Sunday, July 19, 2009

Memorial Day

Now that my high school reunion is over, I have time for blogging again and maybe I will catch up soon! YEAH! Here is how we spent our Memorial Day Weekend (almost 2 months ago!)

My grandpa on my dad's side died when my dad was only 5 years old, so I never got the chance to meet him. In our family, we have always gone during Memorial Day weekend to visit his grave in Cache Valley. Now that we live nearby, my family came up on Sunday to visit us and have dinner with us and then we stopped by the cemetery. It was so fun to have them all up to visit and have more room than our last house! My kids had lots of fun seeing the cemetery - I think they thought the big, grassy area was a park. It was a little hard to keep them from running all over the place.
A traditional photo with the Boman family grave markerOur little family at the cemetery

Darren went to play soccer with his brothers really early Monday morning, so I stopped at my family's for a bit on my way down. Me and Rylee got haircuts and Aunt Heather styled Rylee's hair so cute, we had to take a few photos, which Rylee loved! I think I posted some of these, but I can't remember, so they may be repeats, but she is really cute!!!

She is such a cheeser!!!She loves to show her attitude!!!

Next, we headed down to the Webber's for a Memorial Day BBQ and swimming. The kids always love that! Logan and Rylee all ready to swim. My sister-in-law picked up this swimsuit for me for Rylee and I thought it was so cute on her...Thanks again Carla! Notice Logan's poor skinned knees - He fell really hard at the Willow Park Zoo a few days earlier! So sad!
Logan loves swimming and would stay in the pool all day if we let him! He moves around so much in the pool it is really hard to get pictures of him. Rylee wasn't too sure about getting in the water. I think there were a few too many people and some of the older kids made her too nervous...She tried swimming for a little bit with Dad, but she didn't last too long!
She was much happier sitting poolside with Grandpa Bill!
She also LOVED her cousin Raegan's water wings - I think she thought they were a fun accessory like a bracelet. We have since bought her her own pair and now she LOVES to swim!
Me and the kids stayed down on Monday night to go get Rylee's two year pictures done on Tuesday (will be posted soon!) On the way home, we stopped in Ogden to see my Grandpa Dick's grave. It was the first memorial day without him, so it was a little sad for me. I took Logan to the store and had him pick out a fishing lure to put on Grandpa's grave, since my Grandpa loved fishing. He thought it was neat to put it on the little fish at the grave and insisted on hooking it on himself. Logan was so sweet at the cemetery! He asked if Great-Grandpa was dead and then said "Its OK mom. I don't have to be sad. I know Great-Grandpa will be resurrected and I can see him again." It was so sweet! I love seeing his knowledge of the gospel and testimony grow!


Clark Family said...

Sounds like a fun weekend!

Jami said...

It looks like fun. We miss you guys. I love their pictures together. They are getting so big!