Monday, December 8, 2008

Family Pictures

I was going through some photos and stuff the other day and realized I never posted our family pictures! Big oops! I swear I did, but I think I must have put them on Facebook or something instead. So, these are now really old and somewhat outdated, but I wanted to post them anyway. I am trying to catch up some stuff and then I will probably shift around the order of my posts so I can make a blog book. Has anyone done that before??? I have no idea where to start or which site to use....

Anyway - These are the family photos we had taken with the Boman clan at the end of October or first part of November. I was pretty happy with how they turned out so I wanted to share. The first ones are just our little fam. This first one is the VERY first picture that we took and the best one - We could have just stopped here.
It is pretty hard to get all four people looking at the camera and smiling! We had lots of help from my fam, but I think that it caused some distractions and funny faces, too!
Just me and Darren - I think this is the first professional photo we have had taken of just the 2 of us since our wedding!And some of our 2 cute kiddies! These were some of my favorites that we had done!
This one is my very favorite!!!This one is a little silly, but I think their faces are so funny! Especially Logan!
My handsome Logan! I LOVE those beautiful eyes!Our little Princess
This is another FAVORITE! Look at that pout!!! I love it!Some with Grandma and Grandpa Boman - I LOVE my Dad's signature CHEESE! He always smiles like this, but especially when his grandkids are around!My mom and Dad - Aren't they cute?A few of the whole fam-damily! It was hard to get 4 people looking and smiling, but 13 is even worse!!! This one on the bridge is my favorite one of all of us.
Just the girls!
And the boys
My brothers - I think they were poking each other and teasing each other in almost every picture!
All in all, I thought they turned out pretty well, although I was hoping for a few more poses. We kind of ran out of daylight! These pictures will soon be missing family members, so I'm sure new ones are not too far away! My sister and I are both expecting babies in September, and my cute brother is ENGAGED!!! (Sorry ladies...) He is getting married to the sweetest girl in October! So, soon we will have 3 new family members in the Boman clan!


Hafen Crew said...

You family pics turned out really good. I love the one of you guys on the bridge. Your kids' pics turned out SUPER cute.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I just did my first book. In fact I posted about it today. But I used It was pretty easy once you get used to it. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it is so cool now that I actually have the book.

Clark Family said...

Dang, what a good-looking family you have.