Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Twas the Night Before Christmas

We had such a fun Christmas and I took SO many pictures...so sorryfor the length of the post! I probably should have made a slide show, but I already stared uploading pictures before I realized how many there were!
Before I get to our Christmas Eve, this first picture is from Darren's family party a few weeks before Christmas. All of the Webber siblings and spouses and his parents went to dinner at The Roof in Salt Lake (no kids!) It was fabulous!!! There were SOOOOOO many good desserts, I hardly ate any dinner just so I could taste them all! (I think I came pretty close to trying them all, too...)My sister-in-law just sent me this picture of Darren and I and I thought it turned out kind of cool so I wanted to include it. This is BEFORE I totally stuffed myself with dessert.... I should have taken an after picture, too!

Now, on to Christmas Eve!!! We actually left our house on the 23rd to drive down to Darren's parents house so that Darren could watch a Bowl game with his brother and Dad. On our way down, we stopped and visited my good friends, Marci and Allison. It was so fun to chat with them and Darren was a good sport to put up with us! I didn't get any pictures - probably because Logan and Rylee were terrorizing her house and her little girl, Abby, but it was so fun! Thanks girls!

Christmas Eve morning, everyone came over to Darren's parents house for breakfast and then some present opening! Before everyone got there, I tried to get a picture of the kids in their Christmas outfits. I knew once everyone was there, they wouldn't be very willing to participate! It didn't go too well....

Rylee was doing this funny CHEESY smile in EVERY picture and has one eye closed in almost all of the ones I took!!!

This is the best I could do of Rylee!
For some reason, Logan had the same problem with his eyes closed in pictures! Once I took this, he was off to play with his cousins, so there was no other chances for a picture!
Logan and Rylee LOVE having all their cousins around to play with and spent the whole morning running around the house and playing with everyone and had so much fun! (There are 16 cousins on the Webber side...)I went up and looked in the toy room at one point and it was total chaos, but they were all having so much fun!

After breakfast, we did the cousin present exchange.

Rylee got to go second since she is the second youngest (not for long... 2 new cousins are coming soon!) I didn't know if she would know what to do, but she started ripping the paper right off!She got this super cute Fur Real puppy from either Cambree, Chloee or Liam. (I don't know which one!) She LOVES it! She carried around under her arm all day so cute! It even barks and came with a little bottle which is SO perfect for Rylee! She, of course, calls it Lola like every other dog she has!Logan was SO excited when it was his turn. He was totally shaking when he started opening the present!!!
Logan got a cool football from his cousin Spencer. He LOVES it! I know this isn't a great picture - I just thought it was funny after a day full of closed eye pictures. Do you think I make my kids take too many pictures??
This one is a little better! The only problem with this football is that his dad and uncles kept stealing it to play with all day!
Logan giving Spence a big hug after opening his present!
This is my niece Lauren (and Haley) with her new High School Musical barbie that came with her own vanity that Rylee gave her. Doesn't she look excited?Here is my nephew Mason with his Star Wars tent from Logan. Logan was REALLY excited to give it to him and I think that it was a winner!!!

After we opened those presents, we wrapped all the gifts for our Sub for Santa project. Instead of buying gifts for each other, all the siblings decided to adopt a family and do Christmas for them. Darren's parents are service missionaries in a ward in Salt Lake with a lot of welfare needs, so we helped one of the family's in their ward and it was a great experience. We were able to do a lot for them and we had a lot of fun doing it! It was a family of four and we got them all winter coats, and got the 2 kids clothes, snowpants and boots, shoes and a few fun toys. I hope we start doing this every year! Here are a few other random pics from our Christmas with the Webber clan!Logan loves cuddling with his cousin Madi! She is the oldest and so good to help with all the kids and they all LOVE her!Some of my cute nephews waiting to open gifts - Taylor, Ryan, Spencer and ParkerSome of the Webber boys - Cory, Darren, Curt and Brian. They always have so much fun together!!!
In the afternoon, we headed to my parent's house. The kids were so tired! Rylee crashed as soon as the car started driving away!
Logan was a little too wound up from all the excitement to sleep and he chatted to us the whole way to Grandma's!
We weren't planning to go to my family's house on Christmas Eve, but it was the only time all my siblings would be there, so we decided to go to dinner. It was really yummy and lots of fun! Rylee was being SOOO silly and was telling us all that she was "Simming" (Swimming) on my mom's hardwood floor. She was going back and forth and it was SO funny!!!
There are so many of us now it takes a lot of shots to get everyone in at dinner....
Rylee was EXCITED for her dinner! And she is doing her one eye smile again...Logan and Kyle eating
My sister Heather, her hubby Jay and DarrenMy mom, my uncle Steven's girlfriend and my uncle Steven
My daddyMy sister Vanessa, my brother Brad, my Grandma, my brother Jeff (someone told him he looked older in that jacket and he didn't take it off all Day!!!), my brother's girlfriend Laura and my brother Dean (and Logan trying to get out of eating his dinner...)
Darren and I - Darren always pulls faces or something in our pictures. I decided maybe if I start posting his goofy ones, maybe he will stop!
After dinner, we gave my parents their gift from all of us since we weren't all going to be around at the same time on Christmas. It was a photo book from our trip to Florida this summer. I started this project months ago, but it took FOREVER!!! I loved doing it and was so happy with how it turned out (all 160 pages!!!) I think they loved it, too!We weren't going to see Dean on Christmas so we exchanged gifts. Here is Logan opening his present from Uncle Dean - A treasure hunt game! He LOVES it and we play it over and over EVERY day!And now its Rylee's turn - She ripped right in!
Uncle Dean got her a Dancing Broby from Yo Gabba Gabba! (he spoiled her!) She LOVES that show and so does Uncle Dean! (The DJ from the show is in one of his favorite bands, the Aquabats) Rylee LOVED her Broby! She started dancing along with him right away and now she can sing his little song. "It's Dancy-dance time! Go, Broby! Go, Go, Go Broby!" It is a little annoying but Rylee is in heaven! Thanks Uncle Dean!!! We love our presents! He also gave Darren and I a fun game and some movie passes. We got him (and all my brothers) these funny T-shirts that said "Shake and Bake". It is kind of an inside joke - It is something the boys said the WHOLE time we were Florida so I thought it would be funny!
We FINALLY headed home and got to our house about 8. About 20 minutes after we left my mom's, I realized that I had left the kids Christmas Eve Pj's. (We switched cars with my mom...) I was SOOO bummed! Luckily, my grandma had given the kids some cute PJs so they still had some cute new ones to wear. Once we got home, we got into PJs and did the Nativity. Since there wasn't too many of us, we used a Little People Nativity and the kids really liked it. Rylee especially liked the angel on the top of the manger and the baby Jesus
Logan wanted to play with these after he opened his presents Christmas morning. He really liked them and kept calling them the "Jesus Video game" (EVERYTHING is a video game to him right now)
Then we wrote our letter to Santa and Logan put out cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. Logan was getting SO excited! I think that it was good that he didn't have a nap that day or I don't know if he would have ever gone to bed!
Logan's letter said:
Dear Santa:
Thanks you for my presents (my Eva, Racecar track and Mater) (he was pretty sure that he was getting everything he asked for I guess...) The carrots are for the reindeer, one for each one. We hope you fly safe. I was very good this year. Rylee was good, too. Please leave her some presents, too. Love, Logan (and Rylee)
It was such a fun and busy day, but nothing compared to CHRISTMAS morning!!! Stay tuned to see what Santa brought....

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

These pictures are so fun! And I love the winking ones of Rylee, what a silly girl! Oh and I love inside jokes, I hope to be a part of one one day.