Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Random Stuff in November

November was not anything too exciting! We didn't have too much going on so here are some of the funny little things that happened throughout the month...
Logan and Rylee both know that they can get Grandpa to do pretty much anything they want! Logan got Grandpa to get this sled out of the garage and then decided he wanted to take a nap in it. Only Grandpa would go along with this!And of course, he is holding Grandpa's thumb... He didn't really take a nap. He is just pretending.
A few weeks ago at church, Rylee went to Priesthood with Darren and slept through the whole thing. When she woke up, her hair looked like this! Talk about a bad hair day!
It doesn't matter what I do to Ry's hair - After a few hours she always has the cavewoman look!One day I was vacuuming and had moved the ottoman on the couch. Rylee thought it was a great place to sit and I thought she looked so cute!
Logan and Rylee both love to help in the kitchen! One night we made pizza and the kids loved rolling out the dough, and adding the toppings! They both loved to eat the pepperoni!!!
And no...Rylee is not ALWAYS naked! However, she is so messy when it comes to anything food related that I always take off her clothes for any meal and some snacks and sometimes it takes me a minute to get them back on...
I think it is so cute when Logan and Rylee work on little projects together! They both are really into coloring right now. I love the concentrated look on Rylee's face!
Logan is starting to actually draw things instead of just scribbles and it is pretty funny! He is also starting to try letters and likes to write his name. It is still pretty hard to read, but he is getting pretty good!

I wasn't going to post this, but it just makes me laugh...now! Not at the time...This is Rylee when she threw up in her crib and slept through it all...How do you do that? It was so gross at the time, but now it is a little funny....Rylee LOVES to work on the computer! She calls it "check" as in checking her email I guess. Just like Mommy!Rylee eating a banana for breakfast - I just always think that she looks like a monkey when she eats them...
One day I came downstairs to find this.....
Logan and Rylee were using a PERMANENT marker as Mascara for Rylee. A little funny, but not so good! Luckily, it hadn't dried yet and came off pretty easy! Rylee doesn't look too happy about her makeover. She looks more like a fighter or football player!
One day, Darren brought some cupcakes home from his office. They were fall colors and Rylee's was BRIGHT RED! She made quite a mess, but her and Logan LOVED eating them!!!
Logan and his green cupcake
I love this little dress of Rylee's but it is getting too small, so we had a little photo shoot in it. She loves to pose for the camera!
Just being silly!
My kids LOVE to "help" with the laundry! Logan also likes to use the laundry basket to take Rylee for rides!
We have been going to lots of Aggie basketball games! I thought Rylee was so funny laying on her jacket like this - She was pretty sleepy!
Grandpa Webber came for some dental work and took us to breakfast at Angie's. They kids LOVED their Chocolate Chip pancakes - They were so good! They were like dessert!
One of my favorite things is to sneak in and check on my kids at night. They sleep so sweet and it it so cute to see the funny ways they sleep.
I thought Rylee was so funny - She was on the opposite side of her crib as her pillow, right in the middle of all her stuffed animals and dolls.
I had to take one of Logan too. He was so sweet and peaceful - much different from his usual busy self!


Allison said...

Brooke your family is so dang cute! Thank you for taking the time to stop by, it was so fun to meet your husband, (he was so nice!) and to get to visit again. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas!b

Clark Family said...

So I love the picture of Ry with the red smile like a clown!!