Monday, November 10, 2008

Candy, Candy, Candy!!!

Logan and Rylee LOVED trick-or-treating! We had such a fun time on Halloween! After the zoo, we had planned to go to Darren's parent's house, but his mom wasn't feeling very well, so we decided to head to my parent's house instead. We stopped at my dad's work on the way down. His work had trick-or-treating for employee's families and my dad was dying for the kids to come to it. He gets pretty excited over his grandkids! We didn't think we would be able to make it, so we surprised him and showed up and the kids loved it! I forgot to take my camera in - I didn't really know what to expect - but it was pretty cute. The kids went trick-or-treating from desk to desk and lots of people had fun things like Halloween bubbles and stamps instead of just candy. Rylee still felt like she needed to eat every piece of candy she got and if I took it away to put it in her bucket, she would scream! Her hands would be totally full of candy and she would just say "I Hold it, I Hold it" if I tried to help her with it.

Next, we went to my mom's annual Chili party. My mom has done this party ever since I can remember. She usually has around 200 people come throughout the night for chili, breadsticks, cinnamon rolls and doughnuts. My mom makes delicious chili! It is a fun way to see some old family friends and it was the first time my kids had been able to go, which my parents loved. Here are my little brothers dressed up. Jeff was a Northridge basketball player (how creative...) and Kyle was Batman! Brad was way too cool to dress up this year.

My kids had never been trick-or-treating door to door before. We only did the trunk-or-treating thing in Vegas. I think going door to door is much more fun and I was really excited to take them around my mom's neighborhood, which was the perfect size - about 20 houses! We were done before anyone got too tired, but got plenty of candy. I love trick-or-treating, too. Since my kids are so little, there is no way I am going to let them eat all that candy! I give them a piece here and there, but I will probably enjoy a good portion of the candy, too. Here are the kids all ready to go. They were pretty excited!
Ry is so funny - she always thinks she has to pose herself by leaning up next to whatever is around, like these pumpkins. She loves to be photographed! Good thing, right?The kids had a great time! They looked so cute holding hands and going up to the houses. Logan got right into it and was not shy at all about taking candy. He would just walk right into people's houses, which would have been terrifying in Vegas, but since I know most of my mom's neighbors, it wasn't too bad. If they held a bowl out to him, he would just keeping taking candy until they pulled it away. We had to tell him that he could only take 1 several times, and then when someone told him he could have more, he was afraid to take more. He was great at saying "Trick-or-Treat" and Thank You. Here he is with some wax lips. You gotta love all the weird Halloween stuff!
Rylee loves anything to do with candy. She was still having a hard time with putting things in her bucket. She wanted to hang on to everything - I think she was afraid it would go into the bucket and she would never see it again. She just kept saying "NO, I hold it. I fine" She finally realized that the flow of candy would still keep coming at each house and then she was all business. She would walk up to the house, collect her candy, put it in her bucket and then she was off to the next one! She didn't care that people were fussing about how cute she was - She was hilarious! Here she was getting tired of walking and sat down on the ground. I got out my camera to snap a picture of her and she immediately posed and said "CHEESE"! Do you think I take too many pics at our house?As soon as we got back to my mom's, Logan found someone to open his M&M's for him and just sat in the middle of the floor and started chowing down! M&Ms are his favorite!
When Rylee saw Logan had candy, she had to have some too and picked another sucker! I should have kept a tally on how many suckers she had over Halloween - It was a lot!
We love Halloween!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Logan is the cutest buzz ever! And Rylee is the cutest nemo ever!