Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Family, Friends, Football and Fun!

We went to a few more Aggie football games in October and had so much fun with family and friends! The Aggies played BYU in Logan the Friday before General Conference and we had quite the crowd come to the game with us - We ended up getting 13 tickets! Darren's parents, my parents, my 3 brothers, and our friends, the White's, who came all the way from Vegas to go to the game and visit us!!! We had so much fun at the game - The Aggies lost, but we expected that. They actually did play quite well and looked really good in the 2nd half. There were some really annoying BYU fans around us, and I LOVED it when the Aggies started playing well because it really bugged them!Grandma and Grandpa Webber got there early and bought Logan and Rylee some Aggie gear - Above is Logan in his jersey, and below is Rylee in her cheer outfit! Aren't they so cute? Ry loves to cheer for the Aggies!!!
Part of our big group - Our fam, The White family and Darren's mom. The White's are big BYU fans, but we still like them!
The cutest Aggie fans you will ever see!
Me and RyleeDarren and Logan
Logan cheering with Grandpa WebberLogan and Rylee with Grandma and Grandpa WebberHere is Rylee chowing down on popcorn. My mom bought this popcorn to share with everyone and it was really yummy! I am pretty sure that Rylee ate about half the bag though. And if anyone took some, she would get really upset and have to have it back right away! She loves her food!!!Logan and Rylee with their uncles - Jeff, Brad and Kyle. My brother Jeff is the MOST annoying BYU fan ever!!!
Logan and Rylee with Grandma and Grandpa BomanLogan and his good buddy Natalie - He was SO excited that she came to visit us. They get along so cute together!We love our Aggies - even when they lose!!!
The White's stayed at our house that night - We have a pretty tiny place, so it was a little crowded, but SO fun! We were so glad that they came! The kids were up so late because they were so excited to see each other. I caught Logan and Natalie reading together when they were supposed to be getting ready for bed. SO cute....
Saturday, we had planned to do lots of fun things to show the White's around Cache Valley, but it RAINED ALL day! It kind of spoiled all of our plans to go up the canyon, or other outdoor plans. Logan and Natalie didn't seem to mind though - They loved playing out in the rain. I thought this photo of them under the umbrella was just TOO cute! They look like they were on a little date! Too bad my camera isn't better...
Rylee couldn't stand for Logan to be outside without her! She had to go out too. She hates getting rain in her eyes though, so she walked all around squinting. Cute friends - Logan and NatalieLogan loves catching the rain on his tongue!
Since all of our other plans fell through, we decided to drive to somewhere with mini golfing. They don't have any of those places in Vegas anymore, so the White's really wanted to do that, so we drove to Ogden for mini-golf. On the drive down, Rylee fell asleep and looked so sweet with her Eeyore and Belle doll.
We had lunch and then watched some indoor ski divers and indoor surfing at the Solomon Center and then tried some golfing. It was a little crazy with that many small kids, but really fun! Logan was really into it, and Rylee had a good time, too.
He looks so concentrated!Darren helping Rylee outRylee standing on her head - Such a silly girl!Rylee liked walking along these edges It was like a little balance beam or something for her - She was so funny about it! Logan doing some golfingLogan and Natalie
Thank You Jen and Sandy for coming to visit! We will have to do it again when we have some better weather and we can enjoy the outdoors a little more! We had so much fun - We miss you guys and all of our football and basketball watching parties!
October 25th was Utah State's Homecoming game. They had a little parade on Main Street so we took the kids. They LOVED it!
Here is Logan with his hand over his heart as the flag goes by. He loved seeing the flag, the Aggie marching band and Big Blue!We went to the parade with our good friend Carlie and her kids Olivia and Ethan - Ethan slept through most of the parade, but here are the other kids watching the parade - Rylee, Logan and OliviaRylee LOVES the parade!Rylee was hilarious at the parade - She LOVED the candy and could pick it up so fast! She would hear the candy hit the ground, and her little legs would move so fast! She would spot it no matter how far it was and run for it! She would even push the bigger kids out of the way to get more candy. Her hands would be so full, but she wouldn't put it down and somehow managed to keep picking it up! She loves candy and ate quite a bit, even through the wrapper and made herself quite a sticky mess!

We finally got Robb and Carlie to come to an Aggie football game with us and it was really fun! The game was against Fresno and it was a really exciting game. The Aggies weren't supposed to do well, but ended up scoring with about 30 seconds left to go ahead by 2. Frenso had a field goal attempt with one second left - It was so long that nobody though they could make it (60 yards!), but since it is the Aggies, Fresno made the kick and we lost! It was so sad - I felt awful for the players and I have NEVER heard a stadium that quiet after a game! We still had a good time though.

Logan fell asleep on the concrete bleachers with people screaming and cheering all around. I have no idea how he can do that when there are nights he can't fall asleep at home in his bed, but I thought it was funny!Rylee was so tired, too. The game was at 1:00 which is nap time at our house. Olivia wanted to have a picture taken too. She is so cute!
Here is Logan watching the game with all the big kids. He is always trying to talk to everyone and make friends at the game, even if they are way older. He is quite the football fan.

After the game, we went to dinner with our friends Jon and Di and their little girl Silvi. They are the biggest Aggie fans and drive up from Salt Lake for all their games! We had a lot of fun visiting with them and catching up.

We have really loved having season tickets this year and going to all the games! Even Rylee is learning all the Aggie cheers and has so much fun at the games. She sings "go Aggies, Hey, Hey Hey!" but she does it in this funny deep voice - It is really funny! She loves watching the Cheerleaders! She calls any sports team she sees on TV the Aggies. Logan is learning lots of football terminology from the games and loves to play at home and say things like "the ball carrier" and "incomplete" and kick field goals. He uses shoes and other things to set the ball up in so that he can kick off. It is really funny! We missed the last Aggie game a couple of weeks ago so that we could go to the Real Salt Lake Soccer game, and of course, the Aggies won! We were pretty bummed that we missed that one! There is still one more home game but it isn't until November 29th and I'm pretty sure that I am NOT going to be in attendance! Unless it is unseasonably warm, I am planning on staying home! Who wants to watch football in the snow?

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

My favorite picture is Rylee in her cheer outfit - Darling.