Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Little Addict!

Our Rylee is a binky addict! She has to have at least one all the time and has loved them since day 1. She invented her own sign for binky at 10 months old and "Bink" was one of her first words and goes around asking for her "bink" constantly! When Logan was this age, we had successfully taken away the binky and he didn't even care, probably because he sucked his thumb (and still does...), but I don't think we will be taking Ry's away for awhile....
Yes - That is 2 binkies at once! I thought it was so funny that she tried to do that! She frequently carries two or three around and switches them back and forth, like they all have different flavors or something, but I had never seen her suck 2 at once and I thought it was hilarious!!!

Here is another funny binky moment - Actually, that is not a binky! It is an outlet cover! I had taken it out to plug something in and the next thing I knew, Rylee was using it for a binky! I know I probably should have taken it away from her instead of getting a picture, but it was too funny!
Needless to say, I don't think Rylee's binky will be going anywhere anytime soon! I have been trying to keep them all in her crib so that she can only have them for bed and naptimes, but she always seems to find one around the house, or she just wants to play in her crib during the day so she can have them as much as she wants! She LOVES her binky!!!


Mical said...

I didn't know that logan sucks his thumb. So does Cole. I think its cute right now, but I know I won't soon. Is Darren worried from a dentists perspective? My pediatrician doesn't seem to think its a big deal, and I know he is only 15 months. But I get paniky when people (Rachel) tell me that they sucked their thumb until they were like 8 or 10.

That is hilarious about the outlet cover!

Clark Family said...

I love the double binky!