Monday, November 17, 2008

Logan's Fan Club

Logan finished his soccer season in October. He had a great time playing, even though he didn't really seem to like the games. He was always excited to go and he really liked warmups where he could kick the ball in the goal as much as he wanted without someone stealing it from him! My sister took a few good pictures of his last games, but I haven't gotten them back from her yet, so I will just post a few from my camera. Even though he spent a good deal of the game on the "bench" (he would put himself there since everyone plays the whole game), pouting, on the stairs, at the drinking fountain, standing on his head or on the floor as a caterpillar (really anything but soccer...) he really seemed to love playing and did improve a lot! He kicked the ball more and more each game and got so excited when he got the chance to kick it! His favorite part was kicking the kick off! He loved doing that and sometimes tried to steal the kick off when it was the other team's turn!
Logan's team with Coach Darren! Logan loved having his dad for a coach! I think it was a little more work than Darren expected coaching 3 and 4 year old boys but it was fun. Logan is the one showing off his treat.

Logan's team, The Cosmos! - There were also 2 little girls and 1 other little boy but they weren't at this game. There are Matthew, Logan, Abe, Justin and Ashton. Our little soccer star!
This is the way Logan walked around for a good portion of the games - A little bit pouty! The lighting in the gym is awful, so all my pictures are pretty dark....
He looks really interested in the game, right?Waiting for kickoff - Logan is the one who looks like he is picking his least he's not the one sitting on the ground...(this time!)
Logan loves doing the cheers!Logan also loved getting in his uniform and wearing shinguards for all his games! One of the times he was actually running for the ballI think one of the things that kept Logan going back was the treats! He LOVED that part and was always so excited at the end of the game for the treat!!!
Logan had quite the fan club at some of his games! He loved having people come to watch him and everyone who came thought it was so hilarious to watch the little kids play - especially Logan and all his antics! Here are some fan club photos!
Logan and his #1 fan - Mom!!!
Logan and his Coach - Dad! Darren might have been a little partial to his favorite player!
Logan and another big fan - Rylee! She loved going to the long as I had plenty of treats for her. I think she would have loved going out and running around, too. She didn't cooperate very well for this picture, but she did like watching Logan and clapping and cheering!Logan and Uncle Dean and his girlfriend, Laura - They made the drive all the way from Salt Lake to watch Logan play and they laughed the whole game! It was so fun to have them come - Logan loved it! Thanks guys! Aunt Vanessa was also at a few games and took lots of pictures for me, but for some reason, I never got a picture of her and Logan...Grandma and Grandpa Boman also made a 1 hour drive to watch one of Logan's games. He was so excited for them to be there and I think the entertainment made it worth the drive for them! Ry wanted a pic with Grandma and Grandpa, too.
Logan and Uncle Kyle - He LOVED having Kyle there, and Ky got to be the "assistant coach" (or assistant to the coach for all you office fans...)Both of my Grandma's (Logan's great-grandmas) also made the trip with my mom and dad. It was so fun to have them there! We love being closer to our family so that they can be a part of all of these little things with us. We are so blessed to have such a supportive, loving family!


Karmann said...

What a cutie!!! Sure miss you guys!

Clark Family said...

I'm still kicking myself for missing Logan's games. He's so cute.