Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cheap Entertainment

I have been wanting to post these pictures for awhile, but I have been so far behind and working on other things, that I haven't done it. Anyway, a couple weeks ago, my friend Summer invited us over to play in the leaves in her backyard. She had raked them up into a huge pile and we had so much fun! It was an all new experience for my kids and they loved it! My kids always get excited to play in Summer's backyard. They had so much fun riding bikes and playing in the hammock and the leaves. It is a fun place to play! Sky and Rylee are a little funny together - They are only a few months apart and they butt heads a lot, probably because they are a lot alike! It is a little funny to watch them fight with each other.
The leaves were great and I went a little camera crazy! (What else is new?) I took so many, so I made a slide show at the end of my post. Summer had set up a little slide that went right into the pile of leaves and it was a huge hit! The kids had so much fun sliding into the leaves! Logan also liked to run and jump into them yelling "CANNONBALL!" and he liked burrying Uncle Kyle! Rylee was so fascinated by the leaves and kept looking at them and loved throwing them. They got pretty tired of my camera and playing after all their running and jumping, so after awhile we went in for a little snack and some Elmo. I thought Logan and Sky were so cute - They were pretty into Elmo. Rylee was wondering around somewhere I think.
Most of the pictures are in the slide show, but here a few favorites!
My cute little brother Kyle - I thought this pic turned out pretty good of himThe whole group - Rylee, me, Logan, Summer and Sky! Thanks for having us over guys. It was so much fun! Have fun in Australia!

1 comment:

Jami said...

It looks like you had fun. Leaves are great entertainment. My kids could play in them for hours. I can't believe how big your kids are! We miss you guys.