Sunday, November 9, 2008

Not so good on the way up....

WARNING: Some may find this post totally disgusting! I used to be who was totally grossed out by throw up, but now that it is part of the duties of motherhood, I try and find some humor in it...
I have a good friend who will remain nameless, in case she doesn't want to be associated with this story. Anyway, she gets pretty sick when she is first pregnant and we have had a few discussions about which foods are worth the risk of eating when you know they will eventually just come back up! We decided there are some foods that actually taste almost as good coming back up as going down. A couple examples of some of these are Orange Chicken from Panda Express and chocolate cake. Today I discovered something that would NOT qualify to be on that list - Swedish Fish! (For those of you jumping to conclusions, NO I am not the one puking and NO I am not pregnant!) Actually, since I wasn't the one who threw them up, I don't know how they were on the way up, but today I discovered they sure make a big mess!
So this morning was going REALLY well! Sunday mornings are kind of hard, since Darren leaves at 6:30 for meetings, and I have to get the 3 of us ready for church. I can never seem to make it on time, no matter what I do. There always seems to be a lost shoe or a diaper issue just as we are walking out the door, and we just can't get there on time. This morning was looking promising though - At 8:15, Logan and I were both dressed and ready and had eaten breakfast and the diaper bag was mostly ready. I was so proud of myself! I decided to go and wake up Rylee and I when I opened her bedroom door, I knew something was wrong! It smelled awful and I found her sleeping in a puddle of puke! SO GROSS! Who can sleep through that?
The poor little girl had no idea what was going on when I woke her up - She couldn't figure out why I was freaking out so bad and why I didn't want to pick her up. She was covered in red, sticky throw up due to too many Swedish Fish! This is because yesterday we went to the movies to see Madagascar 2. The people next to us had some popcorn and Rylee is the biggest mooch on the planet when it comes to food. She can sniff it out anywhere and she kept trying to go over and steal these poor people's popcorn. In an effort to keep her away from it, I started feeding her swedish fish. After a good amount, I tried to take them away from her, since I know that they give me a pretty good stomach ache if I eat too many and she was going through them pretty quickly. She got pretty upset and started screaming and since we had also lost her binky on the floor, I just kept letting her have them to keep her quiet during the movie. Bad idea! Too many Swedish fish definitely make for gross throw up! If that wasn't bad enough, there were also black beans from her dinner at Costa Vida last night, and she kept picking them out of the throw up and off her pjs and saying "Mmmm...Beans!" GROSS!
I quickly got her in the tub. The worst was her hair - It was a sticky, red mess and she had pigtails in, so getting the rubber band out of her hair was quite a trick. She was totally fine and splashing around in the tub like nothing was wrong. I then started cleaning up the crib. While I was doing that, I noticed that Rylee was working on something in her diaper, but decided it could wait until I changed her sheets. That was not a good idea - She leaked out of her diaper and on all the clothes I just dressed her in! What a morning!
Needless to say, we did not make it to church today! By the time I got everything cleaned up, sacrament was more than half over and I didn't want to risk her throwing up again at church! I actually took some pictures of it all, since Darren was not here to witness it and I wanted to show him. It is totally weird and gross, I know, but just part of my crazy addiction to document all events of our lives in photos. And as sad as she was, Rylee did look a little funny all covered in red puke. For everyone's sake, I will not post the pictures, although Darren thought they were kind of funny!
Swedish Fish are one of my favorite treats, but I think it was be awhile before I can eat them again. I keep them on top of the fridge, and every time I walked by it today and thought about taking one, I remembered my lovely morning and decided I would pass. This could be good for my dieting - Maybe I should have Rylee throw up ice cream and chocolate next!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

This story is really funny!! Poor Ry!