Saturday, March 16, 2013

We Love to See the Temple

August 28 - We loved going to the Brigham City Temple Open House.  We have been to the Okur Mountain Temple and the Draper Temple open houses, but the girls didn't remember them too well so I was excited for them to have another chance to go inside the temple.  I think one of their favorite parts was riding the bus over.  They always love a bus ride for some reason.  It was a REALLY hot day and watching the movie in the underground parking lot, I thought I was going to die because it was SO hot, but it was worth it!  The temple was amazing and I loved that my kids could be INSIDE it and feel the spirit there. 

Daddy and Avery on the bus
Mommy and Bronson

Our family outside the temple after the tour

A few pictures of the temple...

It was beautiful inside and the kids loved it.  They especially liked the Baptistry and the mirrors that went forever.  They talked about them a lot afterwards.  After we were outside, they touched the outside of the temple and Logan said it was "like being whisked into heaven".  Such a funny kid! I think they really felt the spirit there and how special the temple is.  I am so glad they got that opportunity and I hope they will remember it! 

Avery really wanted to "touch" the temple. 

Handsome Bronson.  He was pretty sweaty from such a hot day and being carried. 

After the open house, we decided it would be a great idea to eat at Maddox, one of our very favorite places.  Sadly, everyone else had the SAME idea and we ended up waiting an hour and a half for a table.  It was worth it though.  We LOVE their bison steak and their seafood cocktail and rolls with yummy raspberry butter.  Delicious!  While we were waiting, we killed some time checking out the buffalo. 
I guess Daddy didn't notice the large sign that asked you not to feed the buffalo.  Oops... 

FINALLY...  Time to eat!!!  Avery and Daddy
Rylee and Logan
The boys and Mommy

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