Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bronson 6 months

Bronson at SIX months old....

Sitting up really well - Just topples over once in a while.  Just started to sit up.  NEver really had a hard time with it.

Starting to try his hardest to scoot

Happiest little guy ever!
takes 2 or 3 naps a day.  Or sometimes 4.  We are not great with routine.  He will do 2 longer naps or 4 shorter naps if they get interrupted or something in between.  He's starting to sleep a little longer at night.  Sometimes..
LOVES his brothers and sisters and them being silly.  he will laugh and laugh at them

started rice cereal.  hates it!  Cries the whole time you feed him!
Loves his Exer saucer

puts everything in his mouth!  Loves paper and to rip and crumple things.  And he loves to chew on his toes!  
Has become VERY grabby - is always trying to get my food, my phone... whatever
gets wherever he wants to go - rolls all around, starting to try and move forward.  Mostly goes backwards and that makes him mad!
His little arms are always flailing!
loves his bum changed - giggles and giggles while you are wiping
blows raspberries
ticklish under his chin - gets the cutest giggles

starting to be a mommy's boy - no more bottles and cries if i walk into the room and don't pick him up or out of the room

likes to sit in his high chair and play
grabs faces
loves pictures - always talking to the pics on the wall especially in the family room and when I take the girls to gymnastics
starting to babble
when he is tired, he makes this "ahhh" groaning sound and almost sings himself to sleep, especially in the car.

when you buckle him and say "bye bye Bron" he gets excited.  He likes to go!
Laughs when Rylee does her letter sounds for reading
laughed at me reading "Monkeys swinging in the tree" every time I got to SNAP  It was so cute!
LOVES TV!  Especially the bright colored cartoons the kids like!
Really likes his swing with lights and music and likes his play gym.  Has to be strapped in his bouncer or he flips himself right out
Loves to stand up to the couch with help.  He thinks he is so big!

Love his little tongue and to put it in and out

Took a trip to Yellowstone and Bear World.  He was such a good little traveler!  

1st Aggie Basketball Game



1st Haircut from Aunt Heather.  It wasn't his favorite...
1st Halloween - He dressed up as a elephant for a party we went to at the beginning of the month and then he was the cutest little tree frog!  

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