Friday, March 15, 2013

Bear Lake, Day 3

Aug 19 - Our last day at Bear Lake.  We had such a fun time, it was a little sad to go!  I kind of wished we had one or two more days there, but it was a great little trip.  So much fun to spend time with family and to get away from everyday life.  And we always love the beach.  The cabin we stayed in was amazing!  Nothing too fancy but so big and the kids had a blast!  Here are the girls and Daddy just hanging out on the HUGE deck in the morning.  The view was amazing!
 There were a lot of fires going on the weekend we were up there and it was really hazy.  By Sunday, it had cleared up a little and we could see much further than we had been able to the other days we were there. 

Sunday breakfast!  Dean and Laura made yummy french toast.  We did Saturday breakfast and did baggie omelets, which is something the Webber's do a lot, but my family hadn't and they were a big hit. 

Avery enjoying her juice box

Family picture before we went to church
Just a couple pics of the yard at the cabin - There was a fun swingset and little playground and trampoline and then turf and a volleyball net. 

This is another view of the yard.  That is the gazebo with the firepit and the awesome BIG swing and a tetherball and the view...  Amazing! 
The cabin - I guess it had originally started as a little A frame and they just kept building wings onto it, which I guess explained the crazy layout, but it was awesome that we could all stay in one place and have so much room. 

BUSTED!  Avery stole a pop while we were busy packing up and cleaning the cabin.  Her little face says it all! 

Since we weren't in a huge hurry to get back home, we spent a little time just playing in the yard of the cabin once we were all packed up.  The kids were having a great time on the trampoline. 

Uncle Brad thought he was so cool doing backflips and demanded I take his picture while he was doing it. 

Handsome little Bronson - He is growing up way too fast!
The mom and Dad

A couple last pics before we headed home
This swing was one of the favorite things at the cabin.  You could go SO high and it was right on the edge of the property before it kind of dropped off where it overlooked the lake, so it felt like you were just flying off the edge.  The kids loved it and their faces in these pictures make me smile.

What a great trip! 

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