Friday, March 1, 2013

Daddy's Bday

August 15 - Our Daddy turned Double 3's this year and we had a great day celebrating!  Mommy and Daddy went out the night before for dinner and a movie.  Then, we started out the morning by opening presents.  He got a new jacket, new swimsuit, some new tshirts and a button up shirt and a massage!  And some BIG hugs from these guys.  They LOVE their daddy! 

We usually celebrate birthdays by going out to dinner, but we had some plans for the night, so we went to breakfast instead.  We went to Kneader's - Daddy's choice!  Yummy chunky french toast!

Sweet little Bron.  He isn't as crazy as the other ones.  Yet....
The birthday Boy!!! 
That afternoon, we surprised Daddy at his office with a Cold Stone cake.  It was delicious!  We probably should have coordinated better with his employees because they brought in treats for him, too, but it was still fun to surprise him! 

Our youth had an activity at the Redneck Water slide so we spent the evening playing there.  Daddy is in Young Men's and they also invited all the leader's families.  First we had some dinner and then it was off to the slides! 
We had heard a lot about how fun it is, so we were really excited to go!  It was a blast and the kids went down the little slide over and over! Rylee was the first one to try it and she went over and over again! 

Logan's turn

Ry gives it a BIG thumbs up! 

Daddy playing volleyball with some of the youth. 
 Flexing some birthday muscle.  We had the youth sing Happy Birthday.  Daddy didn't like that much.  He hates to be embarrassed! 
Avery wouldn't go down the slide without Daddy. 

Daddy finally got the kids to go down the BIG slide!  They loved it!  At first they were pretty nervous.  I think Daddy just kind of grabbed them and went, but then they wanted to keep going.
Look how much fun they are having!  This activity was combined with the 10th ward, which is mostly the ward that was split off of ours at the beginning of the year.  This little girl just jumped on Darren's lap when he was getting ready to go.  We didn't even know her.  She ended up being in Rylee's Kindergarten class and they are friends, but it was kind of funny that she just jumped right in there. 

Daddy and Bronson - Bronson always seemed to be asleep when I took other pictures of the kids with Daddy. 
Playing with Daddy.  He may have missed out on the fun on the slides, but Bronson loved being out and about and got lots of attention from the youth and the other leaders there.  I love that BIG smile and those chubby cheeks! 

We had to talk Logan into going down the big slide and he finally did it right at the end and wanted to keep going and going...   I wish he would have tried it earlier!  He was the last one off the slides.  He would have kept going all night if he could have. 
Another birthday in the books!  I think it was another fun one.  We have the BEST daddy at our house!  I love how much the kids adore him.  He is my best friend and I am so grateful for him and all he does and loved celebrating him on his special day.  Happy 33 D! 

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