Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bear Lake Day 1

August 17 - One of our biggest highlights of the summer was spending a weekend with the Boman side of the family at Bear Lake.  We stayed in this AWESOME 14 bedroom cabin and had SO much fun!  Bear Lake is one of our very favorite places and we loved having a few days up there to relax and play on the beach and spend time with our family.  We got up there on Friday afternoon. We dropped our stuff off at the cabin and explored a little - It was HUGE!  The kids found a bedroom that had 2 sets of triple bunk beds and were in heaven and the whole basement was so much fun for them...double shot, ping pong, air hockey, toys...  We had to drag them away so that we could hit the beach!  We got there just after lunchtime.   I love the beach so much and it is always one of my favorite places to get pictures of the kids, so there are a LOT of pictures... 
Logan LOVED the beach - He played volleyball with his uncles and did LOTS of swimming!  He LOVED the wave runner and wanted to go over and over again!
Avery ready to hit the beach.  She had a great time playing in the sand and water and loved having Grandpa to play with! 
 Rylee was much more into being in the water this year than in past years.  She had fun on the jet ski, too and also managed to get in plenty of time building in the sand!
Bronson taking a little nap on the beach. 
Getting her piggys fixed so she is ready to go

Logan and Rylee running on the beach.  I don't know if there are many places where my kids are happier than at the beach.  They love the sand and water! 

Ready to hit the water! 

Grandpa B and Uncle Brad
How cute is that?  Heading out for the first spin on the waverunner...

Heading out for the first ride on the waverunner.  We decided to rent them for a few hours and had a blast riding them! 

Rylee so happy to be at the beach

Avery and her buddy Grandpa.  Have I mentioned she can get him to do just about ANYTHING she says? 
Bronson awake from his nap and enjoying his first day at the beach.  Isn't he the cutest beach baby ever? 

Mommy and Bronson
Cute buddies

Uncle Kyle and Rylee working hard on a sand castle. 
Avery enjoying a spin in the tube thanks to Grandpa.  She thought this was a great game! 

 Uncle Kyle
Rylee working intensely on her sand building.  I love watching her play and create and I love that she doesn't mind getting a little dirty.

Time for a snack break.  This girl loves her snacks! 

Rylee and her shell collection

Avery hunting for shells

I love it when these two are friends!  They play so cute together.  Sometimes...
Family pic at the beach
My cute Beach Babies! 

Pouting about time to go home.  I love her sandy face! 

My Logan
Baby Bronson

Miss Avery

Bronson wearing Daddy's hat to get a little shade on his head while we took down the tent
Uncle Jay's sister, Candis, came up with some of her friends. The girls loved playing with her and she was a good sport and so sweet to play with them.
My boys
Sweet Logan trying to make Bronson happy.  He is such a good big brother. 

Baby Bronson all tired out from all his beach fun and ready to go back home. 

This is what happened to Avery after her day at the beach.  She was OUT!  She seriously looked a little bit scary because she was SO tired.  I had to check her pulse a few times to make sure she was OK. 
The cabin had lots of toys there for the kids and the girls became a tad obsessed with this life size Barbie doll.  It was a little freaky looking, but they loved it! 
Rylee and Barbie dancing... 
Logan playing air hockey with Aunt Laura - He loved the game room and was always trying to find someone to "vs" him on all the game tables, when his uncles would give him a turn.  I think Aunt Laura was probably the nicest to him and that is probably why he wanted to play her so much. 

We spent the evening outside playing around - We loved playing volleyball and the kids had a great time on the tramp and the swings.   We had a super fun (and late!!!) night!  Here is a pretty intense Volleyball game in the backyard.  The cabin had turf.  It was pretty awesome.  And any family sporting event gets pretty competitive. 
The kids loved the trampoline!  Here is Rylee mothering Ethan
A little game of Crack the Egg

Cousins and Tramps.  And the lake.  And a big sleepover in an awesome cabin!  It doesn't get much more fun for these guys! 

Cute little Bronson watching the volleyball action

Grandma and Avery on the BIG swing!  Look at that amazing view!!!  The highlight of the whole night...(Maybe even the whole year!)  was when Grandpa tried to give Grandma an underdog on the swing...  WOW!  That got some laughs!!!  He took a big running start, but timed it totally wrong and ended up flat on his back!  Boy do I wish I had pictures of that! 

The cabin also had an awesome gazebo with a gas firepit that we sat around for a bit.  It seriously had everything!  That night, (around 10) we set up a big sheet out on the HUGE deck and watched The Lorax.  It was so fun!  Here are Daddy and Avery snuggled up for the movie.  And Coconut, Avery's monkey that she never goes anywhere without. 

Logan, Grandpa and Ethan - I love that Logan is rubbing Grandpa's fingers
Mommy and Bronson
Party animals!  Aunt V, Logan, Grandpa, Ethan and Uncle Brad

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