Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bronson 5 Months

Bronson's 5 Month Pictures

These pictures were right before I broke down and had his hair cut.  It is a bit crazy sometimes! 

I was a little late on having these pictures taken this month because I was waiting for his frog costume. (They are probably really more like 5 1/2 month pictures...)  I LOVED this costume!  The big feet made me laugh!

Our cute little froggie! 

And a few from Mommy's 5 month photo shoot.  It is so crazy how much bigger he is compared to the little elephant than when we started these pictures.  I love this little man!  He is getting to be a bit busier so these pictures are becoming harder and harder to get done! 

His little toes
I love when he is so smiley! 
He couldn't leave those toes alone.  I like to kiss them, too.  They are pretty sweet! 

Bronson is getting so big!  He is now wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes and size three diapers!

He is such a happy, go lucky baby.  He has the sweetest, BIG grin and he is smiling most of the time.  He does also have a bit of a serious face that is quite funny, too.  He seems to always be checking things out and observing everything we do.  He likes to make us work for his laughs.
One of my favorite things about Bronson is his laugh!  He has started to do it a lot more and it is so cute!  I love hearing it!  Bronson is quite ticklish.  He squirms so much and laughs so loud whenever we tickle him.  He is super ticklish right underneath his chin and he is also so ticklish when you change his diaper.  Whenever I am changing his bum and wiping him, he is usually giggling so cute.  It makes changing the diaper a little bit better.  
Bronson is getting much more active!  One of his big firsts this month was that he has started to Roll!   He first rolled from his tummy to his back on Sept 5.  He was playing on his back with some toys and I noticed he was ALMOST rolled onto his tummy.  His whole body was over except for his head.  It actually looked a little creepy.  I think with all that chub and his kind of big head, its a lot of work to get himself all the way over or he would have it easy!  Anyway, he was getting upset by being stuck like that so I rolled him onto his tummy and then he flipped right over onto his back.  And then he did it about 4 times in a row!  Then I got out the video camera and he was DONE but he did do it several times.  And once he was on his tummy, he seemed to like it a little more than before because he was so much better at holding his head up.  And he seemed to want to go!  I am NOT ready for that!  He was grabbing onto the carpet and trying to pull himself and kicking with his legs like crazy!  Maybe all that chub will be too hard to move and he will stay put a little longer.  Or maybe we will have another little mover and shaker at our house soon!   He has already perfected his "back crawl" where when he is on his back, he arches and pushes off with his feet and he can cover a lot of ground that way and manages to spin himself around pretty good.   Then, on September 7 Bronson rolled from his back to his tummy!  He had to work really hard but he did it!   He rolls everywhere now!  He rolls over and gets stuck on his tummy and he gets so mad!  He looks like he might be interested in crawling soon and manages to squirm himself into all kinds of positions. 
Bronson loves his Exersaucer and playing with all his toys on there and he also loves sitting in the highchair.
Bronson loves his toys - He gets bored now if you just set him down. He needs some entertainment - He loves his little balls, his stuffies, his rattles, and his Caterpillar.  He loves pretty much anything you can put into your mouth!  His very favorite thing to play with though, are his feet!  He is always grabbing his toes or putting his foot in his mouth.  He is so fascinated by them! He also loves his playgym and can play in there for quite awhile just hitting the toys and squealing.  I am always amazed how much ground he can cover in there and how he can end up in such different positions. 
Everything goes right into Bron's mouth right now.  He is always chewing on everything and gets a little intense about it.  He is always chewing on something - including his feet! That seems to be the favorite!
Bronson is starting to sit up pretty good.  He still tips over sometimes.  If you lay him back in your lap, he will try and sit himself up.  He is really strong. He surprises me for just a little guy how strong he is! 
Bronson has discovered seeing himself in the mirror and he loves it!  It makes him really excited to see himself and when he gets excited, his little legs just kick and kick and he makes the cutest, happiest little squeals. 
Bronson is SUCH a good baby!  He rarely cries about much of anything.  However, he does have one downfall.  He isn't a great sleeper.  He still gets up 2 or 3 times a night and he loves sleeping close to me.  He is always reaching his little hand up by my face when he's snuggled in bed next to me.  
Bronson is starting to be a mama's boy.  I can't say that it makes me sad.  I kind of love it!  The other kids were mama's babies, but have now all started to love and adore their dad, so I'm happy when they love me and want me, even though that can be hard at times.  Bronson cries if someone else is holding him most of the time and hates when he sees me leave the room.  He gets really upset.  It is one of the few things that can make him cry. 
Bronson has started sleeping in his crib now.  Or at least it starts off that way every night.  He usually ends up in our bed for most of the night anyway.  He was getting way too big for his bassinet.  The bassinet rocks and it started to sound like a major earthquake when he would move around in there!
Bronson loves being outside or just about out doing anything.  He loves people and loves to have lots to look at.  This month we took Bronson on a few fun outings.  We went to the Brigham City Temple Open House,  bowling, camping, to Uncle Kyle's football game, his first Aggie football game, up to Oneida Reservoir for some waverunning and smores.
At the USU - Utah football game, I was nursing Bronson and he had the BIGGEST blowout!  I don't know if I have ever had one that bad.  It seriously squirted out everywhere!  I was so nervous it had gotten on the people in front of us, but luckily, it was just all over me.  It was all down my pants and even in my shoes!  I took him to the bathroom and attempted a clean-up.  Lucky for him, he had a change of clothes.  I, however, did not, so I got to walk around all day covered in poop!  I tried to get it off as good as I could.  A nice lady in the bathroom held Bronson so I could try and scrub out my pants.  He wouldn't go back down and sit so we spent the rest of the game pacing around the stadium.  We did get to go back down and watch the OT and he slept through most of that, even though it was SO noisy! 
Bronson loves his brother and sisters.  He seems to especially love Logan.  he just looks up at him and stares and stares.  Logan can always seem to make him happy if he is upset, or make him laugh and giggle so hard!  He is always laughing at the kids and all the funny things they do to entertain them.  He thinks it is funny when they jump out and say "BOO!"  He gets pretty scared sometimes, but he seems to think that is funny for now. 
Bronson loves to be upside down.  If you hang him that way, he laughs and he gets excited.  Sometimes if he can't seem to get comfortable, he will lay across me so that he is part way upside down. 
We tried out the swing on the swingset this month and Bronson LOVED it!  He was a little nervous at first and made a scared face as he went back, but then smiled big when he came forward.  He loved us to tickle or "eat" his little toes when he would come towards us and was content in there for quite awhile.
We went to the family reunion and camped for 2 nights at my parent's stake campground up near Huntsville, UT.  Bronson was great!  He slept good and seemed to enjoy being up there and having so many people fuss over and entertain him.   
One of the best things I love about Bronson is how snuggly he is when he is tired.  He will snuggle his little head right into me and I love it!  He also loves for me to tickle or rub the bottoms of his little feet while I am nursing him, or if he is upset or when he is tired. 
Bronson loves his blankie!  He always snuggles it up by his face in his car seat and when you swaddle him, he will find a way to get his little fists up by his face so his blankie is right up against him.  It is so sweet! 
Bronson is starting to be a bit more trouble!  He is starting to grab - He grabs my food and if I am on the computer, he tries to type.  His little arm is always smacking the table or desk while he tries to get things.  He is getting to be so busy and grown up!

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