Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bear Lake, Day 2

August 18 - On Saturday at Bear Lake, we drove up to North Beach and it was MUCH nicer!  The beach at Rendezvous was muddy and kind of gross, but this one was much better.  We had another great day!  We headed up pretty early and spent a couple hours playing in the sand and water and had so much fun.  The kids were in heaven!  Looking at these pictures and the recent warmer weather makes me so excited for summer and the beach! 

Digging in the sand as soon as we got there! 

Avery and Ethan - These two are getting to be so funny.  They are best buddies and can usually get into a bit of trouble together.  It is a bit like having twins!  It is so fun to have cousins!

Mr Bronson still sleepy from his nap

We had a smaller family group at the beach on Saturday.  My brother, Kyle, and Grandpa B had gone back home for Kyle's football game.  Grandma B and Brad had gone to a friend's grandma's funeral.  So, it was us, Uncle Brian and Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura and Aunt Heather and her kids (Uncle Jay had to go to work.)  Here are all the kids attacking Uncle Brian.  They were having a great time splashing him and he was a good sport to play with them!

I loved little Ethan's swim suit.  It made me giggle all day long! 
Avery had such a fun day!  She was all smiles all day long.  I just loved watching her! 

Look at that cute little ruffle bum! 

Ry has always loved the beach!  Even when she didn't like the water, she was still always digging in the sand and just loved being there.  As girly as she is, she loves to get dirty! 

Not sure what game they had going on, but they are obviously having a good time!

Rylee and her shadow.  Avery wants to be just like her big sister! 

Avery leading Dean and Laura into the water.  I love having aunts and uncles that don't have their own kids yet.  They are so much fun for the kids!  I think the kids can get them to do pretty much anything they want!
Heather and me feeding babies and Darren having a drink in the shade while the aunts and uncles play with the kids for a little bit. 
Bronson sitting in his little beach chair.  He makes one cute beach baby!  I have used this chair at the beach since Logan was little.  It is fun to compare babies in it! 

I love how Avery walks around on her tiptoes all the time. 
Writing in the sand

Playing with Daddy

Daddy flexing for the camera - Those are some pretty huge muscles! 
Everyone flexing. The faces are my favorite part. 

A little Usain Bolt pose.  This was during the Olympics or right around there. 

Playing some games on the beach.  Logan kept begging everyone to play volleyball with him.  He tried really hard but couldn't hit the ball up too often.  He was having a great time though.

Cute cousins - Ethan and that killer swim suit! 
Sweet baby Robin
Bronson - I LOVE this baby!   He was about 3 1/2 months old on this trip and so stinking cute! 

Love those baby smiles! 
Mommy and Bronson - Just to prove I was there! 
We put his toes in the water for a little bit.  He didn't seem to mind.  He didn't get excited, but it didn't make him upset either. 

Avery always wants to help with Bronson.

Our family at the beach at the end of the day

Love these kiddos!  I love how much fun together they have - Most of the time...  I am so glad they have each other! 

Dean and Laura playing some Frisbee

It took awhile to convince these two to get out of the water.  They could have stayed all day.  Or all week!  They love the beach! 

Sisters building together.  I love it! 

Rylee just kept laying in the water like this.  I have no idea why.  Funny girl! 
So hard at work! 

Handsome boys
My sweet little guy
On the way home from the beach, Daddy had to leave to head to Salt Lake for the RSL game, but the rest of us NEEDED some famous Bear Lake ice cream and shakes!  You can't go there without some.  Aunt Heather and Ethan and Robin came with us.  So yummy! 

Logan begged and begged me for a real full-size shake instead of just a cone.  I didn't think there was anyway he could finish that, but I finally decided to order one for him.  He ate almost the whole thing!  He is turning into a really big eater lately.  I am a little worried for the teenage years...
Poor Bronson didn't get any of the good stuff.  Maybe next year. 

I think it is safe to say that Avery liked hers. 

And another thing you can't leave Bear Lake without is a Giant Old Ephraim pizza!  Look at that thing!!!  It was delicious! 

Another favorite at Bear Lake is to go to Pickleville Playhouse.  We saw The Hanging of El Bandito, which we had also seen on our last trip there in 2009.  This was the "reimagined" version.  It was SO funny!  Logan was literally rolling in the aisles and I think he might have laughed louder than anyone in the whole theater.  I couldn't keep him in his chair. It was pretty funny. We all had a great night at the show! 
Mommy and Bronson before the show
Our crew.  Well, some of them.  This picture is really fuzzy, but here is Avery, Grandma and Grandpa and Logan and Uncle Brad's nose.

Rylee, Mommy and Bronson - There was another row in front of us with everyone else. 
It was a little crazy managing all the kids without Darren and Avery was being a bit naughty and kept insisting on ONLY mommy.  Dean helped with Bronson and he fell asleep in his lap - so cute!  All kids love Uncle Dean!  
After the show, we got to meet the characters from the play.  Here is Logan with the infamous Bandito!  Such a funny guy!  We also bought a shirt to send to Jeff.  He had loved this play the last time we came.  His shirt said, "Yeah, that just happened" with a picture of Bandito and he signed it for him. 
Avery and Mom with the Indian Princess - Avery really wanted a picture after the show but only with the "Indian Princess" and only if Mommy was in it, too.  

After that, we headed to the cabin and put the kids in bed and attempted to watch Hunger Games, which had just been released on DVD, but we mostly all fell asleep....  Another great day! 

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