Monday, February 28, 2011

New Year's Eve

We rang in the New Year by partying it up at Darren's brother, Brian's house. His other brother, Curt and his family were still in town from North Carolina, so we were able to see them one more time before they headed back home. We sure miss them when they aren't around! We had a great time. There was lots of laughing, and lots and LOTS of yummy food! Last day to cram in some junk food before the New Year's resolutions, right???
There was also lots of Kinect playing, which resulted in most of the laughing. Darren and his brother Curt were getting pretty competitive! I think they might have pulled a few muscles!
Logan and Rylee playing some Kinect
Raegan, Logan and Rylee chowing down! I think Rylee ate at least 15 shrimp that night! She just kept coming back for more! The girl has some seriously expensive taste in food and LOVES her shrimp!!! She also ate LOTS of fruit and Logan LOVED the Little Smokies!
Our cute kiddos partying it up - They had a great time with all their cousins!

I should have taken a picture of this sooner... My sister watched our kids while Darren and I went and stayed for our anniversary the night before and when I picked up the girls, they of course had cute hair. I don't know how to french braid, so this is a big deal for Rylee to be looking this cute! Or at least, it was cute before it all started coming apart at the end of the day.
I love this cute little stinker! She had cute piggies, but they were totally coming out by this point. She liked chasing around Brian's dog Raja.
Rylee and her cousin Raegan - They are good little buddies (Besides when Rylee locked her in the closet...) and Rylee was so sad to leave her. It is so fun for her to have a cousin to play with!
Logan playing Xbox with Madi. It looks like it should be an ad of what video games can do to your brain...
We had a great time! We ate SO much food! Brian always has the BEST stuff! Curt and Carla also helped start a new addiction for me. They brought PB Snickers Squares! Oh my gosh!!! Those things are the best treat EVER!!! Around 9 o'clock, the kids started to get a little out of control and were acting pretty tired, so we packed up and headed to my parent's house. They didn't quite make it to midnight - We are party poopers, I guess, but they were getting SO grouchy! Darren and I stayed up and played Ticket to Ride with my parents' until almost 2 am! Who says old people don't know how to have fun???


Jenny said...

Your kids are so cute Brooke! I love the things Logan comes up with!

bladenfamily said...

I love when you coordinate their clothes and I LOVE Ticket to Ride!