Wednesday, March 2, 2011

January Recap

Trying to catch up on the blogging is exhausting! I feel like it will NEVER happen! I wish I could just skip ahead and not care, but I can't do it! This is one thing I am totally OCD about. I with that I was like that about my house or something else, but it is mostly just this. This is the only form of journaling/scrapbooking I am doing at the moment, so I feel like I can't leave anything out. So, sorry for the post overload! Maybe someday I will be up to date, but I feel like I always say that and it never happens. I just need to clone myself for a little while so I can accomplish all I need to do!

Anyway, January is my VERY least favorite month! The weather is yucky and it is all such a letdown after the excitement of the holidays. I find myself being VERY lazy this time of year and just wanting to hang out at home in our PJs most of the time, so that is probably what the majority of this post will be about. Besides our trip to St George, our month was pretty boring. Here is what we were up to...
Jan 2 - Our kids were so excited for new classes in Primary! Mostly Rylee was excited because she got to go for the first time and be a SUNBEAM! She loves it, but I think sometimes she misses the toys in nursery. One of her new favorite things to play around the house is Primary. She uses kids names from the ward and announces who will say the prayer or give the scripture and she loves to sing the songs. They are learning sign language for one of the songs and I am so surprised by how much Ry remembers. She is loving it!
Logan's new teacher is Sister Brown and she is great! He loves it and he loves that he finally has a BOY in his Primary class! He usually ends up with all girls, but now his buddy Spencer is in there and he was so excited about that!
Our cute Primary kids - Poor Logan slipped and fell right before this picture (or maybe Rylee pushed him down...) so that is why the tears. Ry also got to go to her FIRST Primary Activity at the beginning of January and she was SO excited that she could actually go now! They had lots of fun and Logan loved that he got to dress up as Ammon and cut off everyone's arms.
Jan 2 - We were still in the process of testing out new Christmas toys and we tried Avery's new Hot Potato game. It was so fun! All the kids loved it, but especially Avery, probably because she could actually play this game WITH us! She would get the potato, shake it all around and dance and then throw it!
Jan 4 - And this boy is LOVING his Xbox and Kinect! I do have to say that he is doing MUCH better than I anticipated and he doesn't play it ALL the time or beg for it like I thought he would. He kind of did at first, but he is good to do his chores first now and usually only plays a few days a week. He gets so excited about it! This is a rare time of him sitting down and playing. He is usually jumping all over while he plays!
Jan 6 - Nearly all the pictures I have of Avery recently are of her getting into trouble!!! She is always into something. This day it was a GIANT peppermint stick from our Christmas stuff. She is our candy baby and can find it anywhere and chews through the wrapper or whatever she has to do to get it! She is sticky, but so, so happy!
Jan 7 - Partners in crime! Rylee loves dress ups and loves dressing up here sister even more! Avery makes a cute Nemo and she had fun wearing it around for while.
Jan 10 - Oh yes....and we can't forget about the poop incident! Apparently, we are VERY boring and Avery decided to eat her own poop!
Jan 10 - A clean Avery! I love when these two get along and play together! They are such cute sisters!
Jan 12 - Rylee started her very first tumbling class and she was really excited! She is taking for 8 weeks and loving it! I was kind of sad because after the first day, they wouldn't let parents stay and I like to watch her, but she is learning lots and loving having something fun for her.
What a cute little tumbler!
The first day they learned how to do a bridge. Her teacher will have them go from this to a ball and back to a bridge and sometimes he will mix up the order and Rylee does NOT like that! She always complains that Teacher Bob tricks her! She also talks about the invisible bunnies that will tickle her if she gets off the mat. I'm not sure what that is about, but she talks about it a lot!
Running to her spot
Done with her first class
Jan 13 - It was my turn to teach Joy School. Rylee and her cute friend, Arita were loving the dress ups! I think they changed a few times. They likes these lion suits the best!
Jan 14 - We took the kids to an Aggie Gymnastics Meet. Logan was the only one of my kids who wanted to say hi to Big Blue when he came over. He is the biggest Aggie fan I know! Both his Primary teacher and school teacher have recently commented on how much Logan talks about the Aggies and their games. He knows so much about them and always remembers all the scores. It is kind of funny! I love that he is such a big Aggie fan!!!
Avery didn't want to meet Big Blue when he came by us, but she couldn't stop watching him after he walked away. When he came close again, I took her over to meet him, and she wasn't so sure about him. It was her first Big Blue meeting. Hopefully, she will be another Aggie fan in the making!
Daddy and Ry watching " 'Nastics" as Rylee calls it. She loves the bars and the "Bean" (beam) and was so disappointed on her first day of tumbling when she didn't get to do those things! When I told her we were signing up, she said, "Will you catch me when I swing off those bars and when I jump off that bean thing?" I don't think we will be ready for those for awhile...
Avery liked the gymnastics, too
Jan 15 - Avery loves to make messes! One of her favorites is the TP! She has it unrolled almost any time she manages to get into the bathroom. She also likes to pretend she is wiping while she sits on the toilet. Funny girl! I hope she is ready for Potty Training sooner than Rylee!
Jan 17 - Logan had a day off of school for Martin Luther King Day, so we took the kids to lunch to celebrate at Firehouse, one of their favorite places. It was not the most exciting day, but we had to do something exciting when their was no school!
Jan 18 - We finally got around to watching Despicable Me for a Movie night. The kids liked it a lot. I think these two are so cute! I wish they would have laid like this for the whole movie, but they looked cute for a second...
Jan 20 - Probably the best part of our January was watching the Aggies! We are big Aggie fans and love going to the games so that makes our January a little more exciting and helps with the BLAH part of the year. Avery inherited Rylee's cheer dress since Ry got a new one for Christmas. Isn't she cute?
Jan 21 - Darren has been taking Logan to a couple of the USU Hockey games as well. He also took his little buddy, Carter. They had a lot of fun! Darren said there was a pretty big fight and when he looked over at the kids, their eyes were both huge and they said, "That was AWESOME!" Boys!!!
Logan's buddy took this picture of him....I guess they were having fun with the camera because there were about 10 random pictures of the game, too.
Jan 22 - One of Avery's new things is that when you go to get her out of her crib after her nap or in the morning, she has to get her baby and blanket and bring them with her. And her sip sometimes, too. I think she looks so cute snuggling her baby and blankie and dragging them around with her.
Jan 22 - On the days that Darren works late, we are usually pretty lazy in the morning and a lot of times we have a big breakfast because Daddy likes to make yummy things for us (He's the best!) Rylee LOVES to help in the kitchen. I loved watching both of them in their aprons this morning.
Then, Rylee hosted a story time for us. She made us sit on a rug and she sat on this box and read 3 or 4 books to us. She can't really read, but she remembers stories really well and if it is one she doesn't know, she is great at making things up. She loves to be the teacher or the mom.
..maybe because she likes to be bossy... but she is very good at being in charge and is so funny about having things just a certain way.
And she is a great story teller because she has some killer facial expressions...
Jan 24 - Logan had another parent teacher conference and his teacher had such great things to say about him! I am actually working on a post right now about him, so I will put more about that there...but, just to brag for a minute, he got his test scores and some of them were above the high score in the district, which his teacher said means he probably set the bench mark! We are so proud of our Logan and what a good student and kid he is! He loves school and his teacher. Afterwards, we took him for a doughnut to celebrate.
My little brother, Kyle, was also off-track that week and spent a couple days hanging out with us, so that was a big highlight for the kids! They LOVE their Uncle Kyle and had so much fun with him. He introduced Logan to Lego Star Wars for the Xbox, which Logan is now addicted to and he helped Darren trap some of the many voles in our yard! I think they caught about 8 in just the 2 days he was here and he helped Darren set up some pretty intense traps around the yard. Hopefully, we get lots more! Those things have KILLED our yard!
Jan 26 - Ry went to her cute friend, Madi's dance recital and LOVED it! She took a flower to give her after. It was so fun! Now she is always putting on dance performances for us and I have to say a whole bunch of names because that is how they ended the dance performance was by saying all the little girls' names. I think I am going to have to get her signed up now.
Jan 26 - Ry also got to go to her friend, Sky's 4th birthday party that day. It was a BUG party and was so much fun! Ry loved going on a little egg hunt and finding bugs and making cute bug crafts. Thanks Sky (and Summer)!!!

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