Monday, October 18, 2010


Logan said the prayer on dinner Sunday night and it was quite a memorable prayer. He is usually a very short and to the point with his prayers, especially at dinner, but he had a rather lengthy one, maybe because my sister Vanessa and her fiancee were over. I wish I could remember his EXACT wording, but it went something like this:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day. Help us to always keep on mind on Jesus things, like the story of the ten lepers. Help this food to make us healthy.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

On a side note, tonight we were reading the scriptures and the story of Nephi and the Brass Plates. Rylee wasn't listening at all and being kind of a stinker, and then Darren said, "Listen! This part is crazy!" and started to tell the part about when Nephi cut off King Laban's head. All of a sudden, she was listening and very excitedly said "Can I see???"

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hey, just popped in to check out your blog. I love the photos of you guys. It makes me miss you a LOT. Give each other hugs and kisses for me. I read a lot of your posts, which was so much fun. xoxo