Friday, October 29, 2010


My cute Rylee is VERY observant of other people. She is constantly noticing what people wear, their hair, pretty much everything! One day, she reported that a cute boy in her nursery wore a pink shirt. She was pretty excited about that! She is so funny that way. Yesterday, we were watching Ellen because David Beckham was on and Darren wanted to see it. (He has a Beckham obsession.) Rylee said, "Mom, is Ellen a boy or a girl?" I said, "She's a girl." Rylee said, "Then WHY is she wearing a tie!"

This morning we were listening to Michael Jackson while we cleaned up a little. Logan likes to pretend he is Michael, so then Rylee wants to be someone and ends up being his sister "Jam-it" (Janet). This morning, she was dancing like Janet, and then took off her shirt.... Strangely appropriate....

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

HAHA...funny kiddies!!!