Thursday, October 7, 2010

Logan's Birthday Highlights

THREE months ago, Logan turned five! I at least blogged some of the funny things he said that day, but I never got around to putting pictures up. I am still working on a post of Avery at one, but in the mean time, here is a little about Logan's birthday. If you know birthdays at our house, you know that we really like to celebrate and drag it out... (OK, maybe not WE as much as ME!) so I have 3 birthday posts of Logan coming up soon! I wish it wasn't SOOOO hard to catch up!

My favorite part of the day on Logan's birthday was the morning. As soon as he woke up, he was SO excited!!! Logan woke up in our bed - He comes into our room early in the morning quite frequently and then goes back to sleep for awhile cuddled up next to Dad. As soon as his eyes were open, he grabbed Darren's face and said, "Dad! Its my birthday! I'm FIVE!!!" He then started talking about a million miles an hour about his birthday. He asked Darren, "Do I look different? Am I bigger?" We thought is was so cute. He also announced that his PJs still fit, so he must not be too much bigger, but he did suggest that Darren measure him. A little later he also said, "Do I sound bigger?" I told him his voice sounded a little deeper, and he quite liked that answer. What a funny kid! I thought it was funny that he made the connection between growing and changing and his birthday. He then said, "When do I go to school?" I think since we have been telling him he goes to school when he turned five, he was ready to go that minute! I had to explain that he had to wait a few months. It is a conversation I will never forget...or at least I hope I don't!
For breakfast, Logan got his favorite - Chocolate Chip pancakes! Who doesn't love that - It is practically dessert for breakfast!

As soon as we were done with breakfast, it was time to open presents. Isn't he the cutest kid? Opening presents probably wasn't the best idea since his birthday fell on a Sunday and we needed to get to church, but he was so excited we couldn't make him wait! I think we finished presents at 10:40 and church started at 11 and we were all still in PJs. Somehow we made it before TOO late!
Rylee wanted to be right there to see everything Logan got and he was a good big brother to let her look and even help a little. She and Avery got Logan some new dinosaurs.
Hugs from Rylee after opening his gift - He is so good to say thank you.
He loved his HUGE dinosaur book with stickers!
This is how Logan feels about getting new clothes - He just chucks them out of the bag!
This was the first time that he has ever been excited about opening clothes, except for maybe his Real jersey for Christmas. He LOVED his Yoda shirt! The look on his face when he opened it was priceless!
I love his face in this one - A new dinosaur movie
Ripping off the paper for Connect 4 - Logan LOVES games!!!
Logan REALLY wanted an Obi-Wan figure
And he LOVED his Star Wars Lego set

A whole new bucket of dinos! He said so many funny things opening up his presents. He kept talking about how his dinosaurs were from the "Museum of Ancient Life" and he said "I'm so curious what is in this" as he was opening one of his gifts. Sometimes I wonder if he is 5 or 50! He sounds so grown-up!
And now for the BIG one - He kept saying, "I wonder what this big baby is!" A SCOOTER! He wasn't as excited as I hoped he would be, but he LOVES his scooter now and rides it way more than his bike.
Logan with his birthday loot! Here is a list of what he got for my journaling purposes: a scooter, some dinos, a couple Star Wars lego sets, 2 Star wars figures (obi-wan and Darth Sidious), Connect 4 game, new clothes and PJs, a few books (a huge dino one and another dino one that came with a computer game and 3D glasses), and a Leapster game to play on Uncle Kyle's leapster when we are visiting and when we drive to California, the Dinosaur movie and a LeapFrog math movie.

I think Logan had a great birthday! He loves having a day just for him and he loved that he could go to church and see so many friends on his birthday. As soon as they asked for birthdays to sing to in Primary, he was out of his seat and ready to go up and he had the biggest grin on his face during the song. The missionaries came in today to teach a little lesson on the Holy Ghost. Logan loves to raise his hand and answer in Primary and today when they asked a question and called on him, he said "Today is my birthday!" It was TOO cute!!! He loved his little treat bag and was nice enough to share one of his two laffy taffys with his sister, Rylee. What a sweet big brother! After church, we had our big family party and Logan loved having all his grandmas, grandpas, uncles, aunts and cousins here (or at least most of them....)Logan's birthday was SO busy, he never even got to try out his new scooter, so he was up and at 'em the next morning and was out riding his scooter in his PJs bright and early! I loved watching him and Rylee on their dueling scooters. On Monday night, we also let Logan choose what he wanted for dinner. I usually do that on their actual birthday but since we were having the big party that day and everyone was coming to dinner, I had to choose something pretty easy to make. He could choose something at home, or going out and my kids LOVE to go out! He chose Firehouse Pizza and got a plain cheese pizza! Daddy and Rylee at Firehouse - It's not their birthdays, but they are SOOO cute!!! At Firehouse, Logan even got his OWN f'zookie! He LOVED it!

Logan liked to remind me all day on his birthday "I can have whatever I want today. Its my birthday!" I'm pretty sure that he did get whatever he wanted all day! But, that is what birthdays are for, right? I love celebrating them for my kids! They are such good kids and deserve a really great special day for them at least once a year! We LOVE our FIVE year old Logan!

1 comment:

Emily said...

such a little stud- I love Logan he is the sweetest, smartest, cutest little boy! birthday's at your house sound a lot like birthday's at our house- we love a good long celebration too! can't wait to FINALLY get together next week -I will be calling you xoxo