Sunday, October 10, 2010

Logan's DINO-mite birthday, part 2

Logan has been talking about having a Star Wars birthday party since almost his LAST birthday, but about a month or 2 before his birthday came, he decided on a dino birthday instead. I was pretty happy about that! I am not as into the Star Wars stuff and I think a dinosaur birthday seems more little boy than Star Wars. I was glad he changed his mind. He is lately obsessed with dinosaurs, thanks to the Dinosaur Train show on PBS. He knows all kinds of facts about them and is constantly correcting me on my dinosaur pronunciation and reads dino books all the time. I love that he is into it so much! He has also decided he wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up, just like Dr Scott on Dinosaur Train!
The Tuesday after Logan's birthday (June 29th), we had a little friend birthday party for Logan. We have SO many kids in our area that are Logan's age. It is great for most things, but hard when it comes to birthday parties. We decided to only do boys to keep the number down. Logan was a little sad that his little crush Nora couldn't come, but we had a fun boy party! I forget how active little boys can be! When they first came in, there were balloons all over and they were so crazy with them, smacking each other and running around. I was SURE we were going to have something broken! But, they were all really well mannered and we had a fun party - it was just LOUD! The birthday boy!!! Love this face!!! Funny T-Rex pose
Here is our little group ready to party!!! Most of the little boys are from Logan's spring soccer team and our ward and Rylee, of course! She was SO happy to be the only girl invited and Logan was nice to let her join in...most of the time.
Back Row: Dallin, Morgan, James, Logan and Rylee
Front Row: Seth, Isaac, Spencer
When the boys came in, they took their picture with the T-Rex, Logan's favorite Dinosaur! This is Isaac.
Dallin looking scary with his T-Rex pose
Spencer with his T-Rex poseAnd cute Rylee with her T-Rex pose! She loved being part of the party!
And don't forget this cute little party guest!!! Avery loved it, too!
We started the party with a pin the tail on the donkey kind of game, but with dinosaurs. The kids LOVED these cool blindfolds!
Funny Ry in her blindfold
My sister Vanessa came and helped with the party and took pictures. I love this one of Avery hanging on to my shirt. She looks like a little monkey!
After the Pin the tail on the donkey game, we tried a game with the balloons that Logan played at his soccer camp where you try and steal the dino eggs (balloons) from each other, but the balloons just ended up popping and it didn't go very well. Next, we played Dinosaur War, a fun card game. I didn't think they would like it, but they played for a long time! I think they mostly just liked winning the candy.
While we were playing the card game, a few kids at a time got a chance to go out and dig for dinosaur bones. They LOVED it! They also could find a few hidden plastic dinos to take home. They had a lot of fun with it. Here are Morgan and Dallin.
James, Seth and Isaac digging
Rylee wanted to dig too! She loves dirt!!!!
After we finished digging, it was time for presents! Logan was so excited!
He got a Count Dooku figure and Speed bike from Morgan and he was SOOO excited!
Ripping into another present!
I think this is a Transformer from Rylee. I can't remember all the things he got - it has been a little too long. I know he got Toy Story Yahtzee, which we play all the time because Logan LOVES games! He also got a Chick Hicks trailer and a couple of dinosaurs and a few other things.
Next, it was time for cake!!!
I made the same cake again, but this time we remembered the dry ice so the volcano was actually erupting! The boys LOVED it! We left it bubbling throughout the whole party and the boys all kept coming over to check on our "science experiment". They were fascinated by it! It made the cake a little soggy, but it was worth it!

Cute little party guests ready to sing Happy Birthday! Seth, Morgan, Spencer, Isaac, Logan, James, Dallin and Rylee
Scary Dinos!!!
Logan is SO ready to blow out those candles!!!

I hope his wishes come true!!! He had such a fun time with his cute friends!
Enjoying some cake and ice cream!
Our little sand digging dino pit was quite the hit with our kids. They loved playing in it after the party. I even left it up for a couple days. We moved the sand into our sandbox in the backyard, but I think they played with it more in the pool. Avery was especially into it and sat out there and played (and ate sand) for quite ahwile! I love when they are entertained by such simple things.

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