Tuesday, October 12, 2010

WAY back in June....

So, a few months ago, June happened and here is a little recap. June was the beginning of a very busy summer for us, so that is one of the many reasons the blog has suffered!

June 1st - Ry tried her first pair of panties! She picked PINK Sleeping Beauty ones and was SO excited to wear them. Unfortunately, this didn't last more than an hour or two and we went through several pair of underwear that day, and ended up back in a diaper. She does look cute in them though! We potty trained off and on all summer and have yet to have much success. It was hard with different trips and things in the way. Maybe now that life is a little more stable we can do a better job with it. I decided to take these pictures off.....

I think my least favorite part of parenting is potty training! I am SOOO not good at it! I refuse to push my kids into it, maybe because I am lazy and because I am terrified to have poop and pee all over my house, but also because I have seen how easy it can be when they are really ready. Rylee has been so hard though because I know she CAN do it, she just doesn't care to. It is SO frustrating but I am trying to just ride it out until she decides she wants to, because then I know it will be so easy. That is just how Rylee is - She only does something if it is her idea! I would LOVE to quit buying diapers though.
June 2nd - Just relaxing out on the new patio. Yeah for summer days!!!

June 2nd - Avery trying out a sippy cup. I love this baby!
June 3rd - I was looking for Logan one day, and I found him curled up on the couch reading Daddy's Sports Illustrated. You might think he was just looking at the pictures, but I assure you, he was reading quite a bit of it. I love it!!!
He was so excited to read the World Cup issue about "The Beautiful Game"
June 5th - We spent the day at the Hogle Zoo with Aunt Heather and cousin Ethan. So fun!
June 7th - We got summer movie passes to the cheap theaters by our house and went to the movie every Monday (well...most Mondays) with our friends, the Jackmans. We were pretty brave to take six little kids to the movies, but they loved it and it was so much fun! We got to see lots of fun shows and the kids did really great, for the most part. This was our very first movie - Alvin and the Chimpmunks - The Squeakuel. The kids LOVED it!!! Especially Ry - She really liked the Single Ladies singing and dancing.
Rylee and her best buddy Madi
Logan and his buddy Morgan - They are so much alike and such cute buddies! I love it! (I hate when the picture won't turn!!!)
June 9th - Just a pretty rainbow in our backyard. I love where we live!
June 12 - Sometimes I really like to just grab the camera while we play in the toy room and take pictures of the funny things my kids do while they play. I love this ensemble that Ry has put together. She is so funny! No pants, shinguards and doing her makeup.
Rylee loves everything girlie and loves to do her makeup (for pretend, of course!)
Rylee with one of her many bags! I call her the bag lady because she is constantly filling some type of bag and then taking it somewhere, dumping all the contents and refilling it again. She is a very messy child!
Logan is always doing some type of sporting event and I love that he uses the easel in the toy room for his scoreboard. He is always stopping the action to adjust the score.
I think this was a world cup soccer game - England vs USA.
Avery LOVES dancing Elmo and dances along with him. The funny thing is that Logan was terrified of anything that moved or sang when he was a baby, and even when Rylee got this when she turned 2, she was a little worried when he started moving and said, "Its FREAKING out!" Avery has no worries though and loves it and even attacks it while it is dancing!
Avery modeling some sunglasses.
Rylee with some sunglasses and a necklace - She is always into accessories, even if she has no pants!
June 13 - This pretty much captures Rylee and Avery most of the time. Rylee mauls her and Avery cries and tries to escape!!!
Love the twinner outfits! I'm a little obsessed with it at the moment!
June 13 - We made a little Sunday treat - S'mores on our grill! The kids loved it! I LOVE this picture of Rylee
Our cute Dad grilling up some S'mores. He is the BEST!
Logan enjoying a S'more
Thumbs up!
In June, we did a lot of playing and swinging on our new swing set!!! Yeah!!!
Avery could spend all day swinging!
June 13 - Just my funny Logan - He came in with both of his legs in one pant leg and said "Look Mom! I'm a penguin!" He thought it was hilarious...and so did the rest of us!
Not quite sure how he fit into that!
June 17 - We finished our swimming lessons! Lots of the month of June was spent at the pool for our 2 week session and the kids loved it and did great!
June 17 - We went to Summerfest, which is a tradition at our house. We went with our friends, Summer and Sky and tried the Art Tent this year and it was a lot of fun. The kids got to do lots of projects!
Logan made this funny hat
Sky, Logan and Rylee stringing some cereal necklaces
Rylee showing off her necklace
Rylee doing some painting
Logan scribbling very intensely
Logan stringing his necklace
Avery was just along for the ride and hung out while we worked on our art projects. She is so cute! We had a lot of fun doing the art tent! Afterwords, we strolled the booths and then got some dinner and a yummy treat. The kids picked cotton candy. June 19 - My cute nephew, Mason, turned six and wanted to celebrate with everyone going to Toy Story 3. He even wanted to legally change his birthday from the 15th to the day it was released because he was so excited. He and Logan are such good buddies that we decided we would make the trip down for the party and movie. Logan was so excited! Aren't these two so cute??? I think they love all the same things and they get along so well. They play together forever at Grandma's house! Rylee and Logan ready to see Toy Story 3 with all their cousins! It was so fun to go with the whole family, even if we did take up 3 rows! Rylee got to sit by Raegan and Logan got to sit by Mase, so they were both happy!
Logan didn't love Toy Story 3. He was a little freaked out by it and whenever anyone asks him, he will say "it was way too intense." He HATED the monkey and was in tears at one point and kept saying "The monkey's the problem! The monkey's the problem" and he was even shaking and kind of freaked out. Mason was a little scared, too, I think, because he went and sat with his mom. Logan was excited though because we have been telling him forever that Toy Story 3 came out by his birthday, so he knew it must be close! June 20 - Happy Father's Day! Here is Daddy enjoying his special breakfast on Father's Day and reading his special cards. I hope he had a great day - He deserves it! We have the BEST daddy ever! He works so hard for us and plays hard with us, too. He always wants to be there for everything for the kids and is such a big part of their lives. My kids all adore their dad and think he is the best. I love him so much for the kind of dad he is! After all the work he did on our yard this summer, he deserves the Father of the Year award for sure! Especially after that swingset! That one alone earned HUGE daddy points. June 20 - Miss Avery is starting to crawl!!! And pull herself up! We are in trouble now!
June 21 - Rylee got to go to a little summer camp called Teddy Bear Picnic. She loved being big enough to go to something on her own! It was so fun for her!
June 22 - A big part of our June was fixing up our yard - Here is the before....
And the after! The green makes such a big difference! We got sod June 22. In May and June, we finished our patio, sprinklers, swingset and grass! Whew!!! What a big project!!! My husband is a hero!

Logan made this cute card for his old preschool teacher. I had to take a picture!
June 23 - June also means World Cup soccer at our house! We did lots of watching and cheering for Team USA! Our daddy LOVES soccer and was in heaven watching with all of his kids. It was Avery and Rylee's first World Cup! Logan watched it with Daddy when he was about 1 year old four years ago.
June 25 - Avery is NINE months old and standing up to everything!!!
June 25 - Rylee went to our cute neighbor, Eliza's birthday and they made their own Princess cupcakes. She LOVED it!
June 25 - I love these cute girls!June 26 - Can you believe my BEAUTIFUL mother turned 50 this year? We celebrated by taking her out for lunch and a pedicure. We wanted to do a big party but she threatened us with our lives! Here is my sister Heather and my mom at lunch at Mimi's.
Darren was gone to scout camp, so Avery got to join us for lunch
My sister Vanessa, Avery and me
I did a crappy job taking pictures at the party later that night, but we had a family dinner. I made some yummy Walnut shrimp and we BBQ'd and then my mom blew out some candles! It was a fun time with the family! Happy 50th Mom!!!
June 27 - The next day, we celebrated another birthday - Logan turned FIVE!
June 28th - Logan and Rylee on their dueling scooters. His birthday present was a hit!
June 28 - Avery loves to stand up to everything and especially hang out in the kitchen.
June 28th - Darren showing off one of the fish he caught at Scout camp. He was pretty proud of himself! The kids even ate it for lunch and liked it!
June 28th - I think I posted this picture already, but I love it! This is out to dinner for Logan's birthday. Rylee is definatley a Daddy's girl these days and these two are just so cute together.

1 comment:

Kim McCann said...

Love the pics of Logan and Mase. They are SO funny together! Wish you guys didn't live so far away!