Saturday, October 9, 2010

Logan's DINO-mite birthday, part 1

After church on Logan's birthday, we had a BIG shindig with most of our family to celebrate his big day! He was SO excited for his party and LOVED helping me with his dinosaur volcano cake. I have to say this cake was not the best looking cake, but it was what Logan wanted and he LOVED it! And it was pretty easy to make. The volcano part turned out pretty cool - I'm not too sure about the rest of the cake though.
Logan posed the dinos and the rocks and trees . He loved getting to decorate his own cake. I am usually a little crazy about the cakes and they don't get anywhere near them.
Rylee had to be right in on all the action, too.
The finished cake! I thought the lava pools turned out pretty good. They were melted red hots. The rest of the cake was not great, but Logan loved it! Unfortunately, we forgot the dry ice to make it erupt, so that was kind of a bummer! Volcano close-up Logan with his dino pose in his new Yoda shirt! First, we had a yummy dinner. Here is Logan with a few of his cousins: Logan, Spencer, Haley and Lauren eating in our new backyard! YEAH!!! Rylee LOVES her watermelon!!! Logan and Spence - Cute buddies! Rylee with her cousin Raegan. We were lucky enough to have the party when Carla and Raegan were in town visiting and they were able to come. Rylee was thrilled! These girls love each other, but since they live in North Carolina they don't get to see each other too much.
Cute girlies - Rylee with cousin Raegan and her little friend, Madi
Then it was time to open presents! Logan was SOOOO excited!

Toy Story stuff was a popular gift! He got LOTS of it! Good thing he LOVES it!!! Logan and Morgan checking out the loot with Great-Grandma Pauline. Presents were a little crazy so I didn't really see everything he got or who it came from. I'm not sure how accurate my memory is after 3 months, but I think I can get most of it! Here is a little list of what I can remember: Dinosaurs from Grandma and Grandpa Boman, Toy Story Legos from Grandma and Grandpa Webber, a Toy Story outfit and swimsuit and water gun from Great-Grandma Pauline, a Toy Story outfit and Toy Story school stuff and a Toy Story book from Great Grandma Mary (and a couple other little things), a Mr Pototo Head from Brian and Val, some Toy Story action figures from Cory and Katie and April and Kevin, a Robosapien from his Uncles (Jeff, Kyle and Brad) and a High School musical sweatband from Uncle Jeff and I think Kyle got him something else too, a Spiderman car from Aunt Carla and Raegan, and a cool Toy Story car launcher from Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura and soccer slippers and a stuffed Rex from Aunt Heather, Uncle Jay and Ethan. He also got a Toy Story ball and frisbee from Aunt Kim and Uncle Chris a little later since they couldn't come. Aunt Vanessa also took him for a special ice cream date. That is a LOT of stuff!!!
Our BIG boy is FIVE!!!

Ready to blow out the candles!

This was probably my Favorite part of the whole day! When Logan finished blowing out the candles, he made a little speech. It was hilarious! "I am so happy that it is my birthday. And, I have been waiting to be five years old....FOREVER! I am so happy that I'm finally five." Priceless!!!
Enjoying his cake and ice cream

Birthdays get a thumbs up!

Uncle Dean helping Logan figure out his new toy. Dean always picks out such fun gifts for the kids - probably because he is a big kid himself! They adore him!

Logan and his buddy Morgan trying out some of his new toys

We have such a great family!!! Even though we live an hour or two away from everyone, we had a great turnout for the party. Everyone is very supportive! Darren and I both have SIX siblings each, so our family get togethers are a little BIG, but we love it and are so grateful for so many people to love our kids! I tried to get Logan with everyone before they left, but I missed a few. I didn't get him with Aunt Vanessa or some of Brian's family, but we did pretty good, considering the number of people we have! Here he is with Uncle Jay, Aunt Heather and little Ethan, his only cousin on that side of the family. Our good friends, the Jackmans, were here, too. I got a few pictures of their kids, but not their whole family. I don't know if they knew what to think of our BIG family!
Logan with Grandma and Grandpa Webber

Logan with his Great-Grandmas

Logan got a new water gun for his birthday - This is what happened when his uncles got a hold of it!
Logan with Uncle Dean and Aunt Laura

Logan with Uncle Jeff, Uncle Brad and Uncle Kyle

Logan with Grandma and Grandpa Boman

Logan with Uncle Cory and Aunt Katie - his newest Aunt!

Logan and cousin Madi. She is his oldest cousin and is so cute with all the kids. Logan loves her!
Logan and Aunt Carla - We were so glad she could be here all the way from North Carolina!!!

Logan and Uncle Brian - Aunt Val was there, too but she escaped the picture somehow. I got some other ones of all Brian's kids, except for Parker, but he was there, too. This is another funny moment from the day. Logan got a couple of Star Wars Lego sets and REALLY wanted to open them, but I was worried he would lose pieces in all the party mess, so I told him he had to wait until the party was over. The last few people were starting to leave, but we were just kind of chatting in the driveway. Logan was getting pretty impatient and finally asked them all to leave. I wish I could remember his exact wording! It was so funny! We were all cracking up! Luckily, it was all family and they weren't too offended!

Logan with Uncle Kevin, cousin Haley and Aunt April...and those Star Wars legos!

FINALLY....we got to put together the Star Wars Legos! And I think they were everything he dreamed of!

So excited to try out his Imperial walker!
What a great birthday this boy had! Thanks to all our family and special friends who helped make Logan's day (and year!) so great! You are the best and we are so grateful to have you!


Brooke :) said...

what a cute party! I think your cake turned out wonderfully!

Jami said...

So cute. Good job on the cake. Happy birthday.