Friday, March 27, 2009

The Treehouse

In February, we also took a little trip to the Children's Treehouse Museum in Ogden to meet up with our friends Jenn and Drew for Drew's 3rd birthday. The kids had a great time and it was a fun day! It was great to see them since they live pretty far away and we don't see them too often. My kids also love any excuse for a fun outing - especially if a birthday is involved! My kids always like trying out all the instruments in the music room!
Rylee found a little person rocking chair - She always loves any kind of little chair or bench and has to sit in them! It is a little funny!Rylee climbing through a tunnel over and over again - The kids were pretty bummed that the tree slide was closed, but they had fun doing lots of other things. Logan and Drew had a great time at this train tableLogan and Rylee driving trainsLogan doing some climbingDriving the firetruck!Rylee really liked playing in the firetruckMy little Firegirl! I couldn't get Logan to hold still long enough to try this on and take his picture. He had a lot of fun running from exhibit to exhibit. Rylee is always up for some dress-ups and a picture though.Logan at the dinosaur exhibit. This is right about when I decided we needed a potty break....Can you tell???Drew really liked playing with the dinosaurs!Rylee wasn't as in to the dinos as the boys...Logan LOVED looking into this HUGE Magnifying glass. He thought it was so cool!My little scientist!
I think this was Rylee's very favorite part of the museum! It was like the nursery at the hospital and Rylee went from bassinet to bassinet taking care of all three babies - feeding them bottles, wrapping them in blankets, burping them - It was so cute! She could have stayed there all day!
Nurse Rylee hard at work!
Can you tell his Daddy is a dentist? He is really into oral hygiene!
Rylee and Drew having a tea party - She loved this, too!!!Rylee attempting to ride this horseLogan playing pirates on this little ship
My camera died before we finished, but we had a lot of fun on our day at the Treehouse! Afterwards, we headed over to Iggy's for a yummy birthday lunch with Drew and Jenn. The kids did pretty well and we survived! Logan was also excited to give Drew his present - some golf clubs and a car! (Logan picked it out himself!) Thanks again Jenn and Drew! It was fun - Let's meet again soon!


Clark Family said...

When we took the kids, we didn't get to see all the stuff that you have on here, since we were that only an hour.

Jenn said...

that dental pic is hilarious. go loge! (how do you even spell his nickname?!)