Monday, March 23, 2009

I {hEarT} yOu!!!

This post is ancient but things have been a little crazy at our house lately!!! We are in the process of trying to find and buy a house and it has been a HUGE headache to find a mortgage since Darren is self-employed and doesn't have much work history! It is so annoying!!! Sill no luck.... Anyway - These are pictures from our Valentine's - It was such a fun day and the kids loved it, so I wanted to post it, even if it is a little (or a lot) old! Here are the kids showing off the Valentine's they chose at the store. Rylee's are Care Bears. I thought for sure she would choose Princesses or Elmo, but she HAD to have Care Bears! She has a very strong opinion these days! Logan chose some sports ones that were holograms that he thought were super cool.
Making our Valentines turned into a REALLY big project!!! Logan wanted to do some for his cousins, and you can't just pick and choose, so there are 15 of them, plus Grandmas and Grandpas, a few uncles and aunts and some of his friends. It was A LOT of Valentines and their attention was only good for about 5 at a time, so it felt like we were working on Valentine's for a week!!! Logan was pretty sad when we mailed them all out - He said, "No Mom! Not ALL my Valentine's!" He worked pretty hard on them and I don't think he didn't quite got the concept!

The kids had a great time coloring and stamping. At least for a little bit... Logan also signed his name on most of them and it was so cute! A little hard to read, but he is getting pretty good!
Rylee loves to use markers, but she is pretty dangerous!!!
Gotta love this concentration!!! Logan was so focused on writing his name! I wish I could get him to learn how to hold a pencil/marker....

Darren got me some beautiful roses for Valentine's Day, but I forgot to take a picture. They were some of the best ones I ever had. We celebrated our Valentine's a day early and went to dinner Friday night. The kids were pretty sick, so we couldn't do a babysitting exchange like we hoped, and ended up taking the kids to my parent's house so we could go to Outback. My parents were great to watch the kids and we had a DELICIOUS dinner! The wait was close to 2 HOURS but we were able to sneak into a table close to the bar, so we didn't have to wait that long. It was great to have a date night....They don't happen enough at our house!!!

We spent Valentine's Day as a family and did some fun things. I like to make big deals of holidays and Logan LOVES it! (I did forget about St Patrick's Day and I still am feeling guilty about it!) Logan was saying "Happy Valentine's Day" and giving loves weeks after Valentine's was over and is always asking what holiday comes next and what we are going to do for it. He is getting to be such a fun age for stuff like this. Here is how we spent our day!
My funny little Valentines! I LOVE these 3 so much!!!! What a great Valentine gift!!! Darren had a church basketball game that morning and while he was gone, the kids and I made his cards. They were SO excited to give them to Daddy!Rylee ended up with more stamps on her face than on the Valentine she made.... She did get really good at putting the little foam heart stickers on her Valentine all by herself (she even peeled the backing off by herself) and had them all over because she loved them so much!Logan stamped his face too!Darren made us all a fabulous breakfast! Pink heart-shaped pancakes and strawberries! The kids love their special pancakes and have such a good daddy to do stuff like this for them!Mmmm...Pancakes!
After breakfast, I gave the kids each a little Valentine's basket of surprises! It was mostly all stuff from the $1 section at Target, but the kids loved it! Logan's stuff was mostly Toy Story and Wall-E, so he was pretty excited! They also each got a new book.
Logan and his Valentine Basket
Logan reading his Smash-Crash bookLogan was excited about his Toy Story markers, too.Rylee and her basketRylee got some Monsters, Inc art stuff and some fun Valentine jewelry and bows! Rylee pulling a funny face...or coughing... I'm not too sure....
HUGS!!! Aren't they cute???My Valentine boy!!! Logan is such a great little boy and gives the best hugs and kisses! He is so sweet and Loves to cuddle and can always make us laugh! He is a great little Valentine!Rylee in her Valentine attire! She loved her fun new accessories and is such the cheeser! Rylee is such the GIRL and loves all that kind of stuff! She is our little busy body and loves to be doing anything and into everything! She makes our life so fun - She is starting to talk and tell stories and we love her fun personality!!!Rylee posed for more pictures than Logan did.... I think he has lost his patience with my camera obsession lately!I love these 2 cute kiddies!!!Laughing at Daddy! He can always get a smile for the camera!!!Me and the little Loves of my life! Darren and I didn't end up with any pictures of the two of us.... I will have to remember to do better next year!We decided to have some festive food for dinner, too. We got this heart shaped pizza at Papa Murphy's and the kids thought it was so great!
After dinner, we had a little Movie night all together and watched Madagascar 2! All together, it was a great Valentine's Day and we all had a good time spending it with each other and sharing the LOVE!!!!


Karmann said...

YOu are such a cute mom! I hope to be like you someday! I love you and miss you!!!

Clark Family said...

WOW! You guys did a ton of stuff! Sounds like fun!! Love the cute pictures!

Jenn said...

this is adorable. What fun you guys have. You really have the cutest kids. And how cute that Darren did breakfast all fun and valentine-y!