Thursday, March 5, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Since I have been such a blogging slacker lately, this is one of my attempts to catch-up to the present. I could just skip stuff, but since I want to make my blog into a little family journal, I don't want to leave stuff out. Especially some of the funny little things that make up most of our life! So...this post may be longer than most of you will want to read, but here are the rest of our pictures from December and January. They are mostly just random little things. Then I will only be ONE month behind.... I can never stay caught up on anything!

This first picture is from December 5th and is one of MANY attempts we have made with Logan to potty train. On this day, he was SO excited to wear big boy underpants and called and left a message on Darren's phone telling him he was wearing Buzz underwear - It was SO cute that Darren even saved it and still has it on his phone. (The Buzz underwear only lasted about 20 minutes before they got peed in....) This week was NOT a successful one and we decided to save potty training for after the holidays. Our first attempt after Christmas was not much better, however, and ended after Logan peed in 3 different places in our house in less than 30 minutes, one of them being ON the kitchen table!!! He had just been upstairs with Darren, pulled out the bathroom scale, sat on it and peed on it. Then he came downstairs, squatted on the kitchen table where I was working on a project, looked at me and peed again! That was it for me!!! I was SO mad! We waited a few more weeks, and now we are doing great! I think it was about him deciding to do it and really being ready because it was SO easy!
This is the kids playing with one of their favorite new Christmas toys - their Elefun game. They play it all the time and love it. It is a funny little elephant that shoots butterflies out of his trunk and you try and catch them with the net. It is a new favorite at our house. These pictures are from a night of playing with their new Play-doh set before bed - another Favorite new toy! You gotta love Christmas for all the new exciting things the kids have to try out. Both kids really get into the Play-Doh stuff! Logan looks pretty focused! (By the way, I HATE these pjs of his and try and hide them all the time, but he insists on them! They are incredible Hulk Pjs and hand-me-downs that look pretty ragged, but he loves them for some reason!) Rylee was so funny. She loved to roll the dough out and cut shapes and looked like a little kitchen pro. Rylee would also love to tear the play-doh into little pieces and then arrange them on the plate. She was pretty concentrated!
Here is Rylee dressing up again. She loves to dress up in whatever she can find and always puts things on in interesting ways. Here she found Darren's swimsuit and decided it made a nice dress. She had both her legs in one leg hole. Quite the fashion statement!Showing off her beautiful dress!
Another day of playing Elefun. This was the day my family came up to see the kids Christmas stuff and they wanted to demonstrate EVERYTHING! Rylee especially wanted to show off her kitchen! She would tell everyone as soon as they came in, "Come on. See my kitchen" My favorite part of this game is that the nets usually end up as hats! Rylee especially likes to do this - Just another accessory for her, I guess! She can actually pull the whole net all the way over her face and it looks so funny!
This is another of our movie nights while Darren was at Bishopric. I had the kids get their pillows, blankets and one stuffed animal. Logan chose Mater, which isn't really a stuffed animal but I thought he looked so cute!
Rylee chose her new little puppy. I always think it is funny when my kids fall asleep in weird positions. I was upstairs doing some laundry and came down to find Rylee asleep like this and had to take a picture! I have no idea how ANYONE could sleep that way!I came down the stairs one day to find Rylee feeding her baby a bottle. It was so sweet and she looked like a real mommy the way she was holding her and talking to her. She is so funny about her babies and I love watching her with them!Here is Logan rocking out with his Guitar Hero game. It is actually one of my brothers, but somehow made it home with us after Christmas and I don't think they will EVER get it back! Logan loves it too much!This thing is a guitar pick that plays music and does the guitar for the songs as you "strum" it. It plays Smoke on the Water and Wild Thing and Logan has both of the memorized now and jams out all over the house!Logan is pretty obsessed with the Wii that my parents got for Christmas and especially the RockBand and GuitarHero games. He always wants us to "play" those games at home(with our imaginations since we don't have a wii), but we can't mix the RockBand and Guitar Hero songs, and he knows which are which! It is pretty funny! Here is Logan chatting to Grandma on the phone over breakfast. I thought it was so cute! Just a few random Sunday pictures. Something was on my lens for the first few so they are pretty blurry.Rylee was sitting on the table for these pictures and fell off after this one...yikes! She falls off of something about once a day though, so it wasn't anything too out of the ordinary!
Logan on the day he gave the scripture in Primary.
Rylee was running a fever and not feeling too well for a couple of days in January. It happened to be an Aggie game one night and since she wasn't feeling well, I decided to stay home with her, but I was getting Logan ready to go with the game with Darren. Rylee spotted Logan's "Aggie shirt" and had to have her "cheerleer outfit" on, too. So we put it on over her PJs with her slippers. That seemed to make her happy, until Dad and Logan left! The only thing that comforted her then was to paint our nails, so we had a fun girls night in while the boys were at the game. Ry showing off her hot pink nails!We painted our piggies too Just us girlies! It is so fun to have a little girl's night with my FAVORITE girl!!!
Rylee wanted to do a silly face picture! She is such a funny girl!
This is a visit from our good friend, Ryan Wennerlind, who was in our ward in Vegas. He lives in Phoenix now but was in Salt Lake visiting and we were able to meet up with him. Logan is his little buddy and was SO excited to see him! We were a little sad that he came without Karmann though! Next time, we better get to see her, too!
Here are some pictures to illustrate just how messy my sweet little Rylee gets while eating. Spaghetti is her favorite, but it tends to be the biggest mess!!! I guess this is the result of refusing to use utensils to eat anything! What a mess! It was all the way up her arms and all over her legs, too! I think she does it on purpose to guarantee that she will get a bath!This is a picture of our house, which is now on the market - That is NOT a happy thing! We were hoping to stay here until the end of the summer, but our landlords decided to list it. Our contract goes through the end of April, so they can't kick us out before then, but we were hoping to extend our lease. I hate the stress of not knowing what is going to happen with it and that people could come by and see it! Luckily, they do have to give 1 days notice. We are hoping it doesn't sell for awhile so that we can be ready to buy and only have to move once. So far, only 2 lookers (within a was a stressful week!) so we are keeping our fingers crossed!!!Here is Rylee modeling her sunglasses! She loves to wear them all the time and puts them on so funny! Half the time they are upside down or only on half-way hanging off her face. Doesn't she look like a little movie star?
And yes...the silly face again! It is SO hard to get her to just smile now! She always wants to pull this face... More pictures of funny sleepers! I just can't resist! Logan hasn't been napping that often anymore, so I left him downstairs while I put Rylee down and when I came back down, he looked like this! He was totally passed out!Isn't that a sweet face???Here is Rylee's first successful time on the potty! (Jan 27, 09) She has been really interested in sitting on the potty while we have been working on potty training Logan. This was the week Logan was doing really well, and she climbed up on the potty and went and surprised us all! She has been going a couple times a day so far. She isn't too consistent yet, but she's getting it, so I'm hoping she will decide to do it sooner than age 3 1/2 like Logan! She loved getting her M&M potty treats!Pulling that face again!She is SO proud of herself!Rylee eating some chocolate pudding and looking so excited about it! She looks great in everything she eats! Logan had a lovely pudding face, too. I thought they both looked so funny!
Rylee pulling her face...AGAIN! I know that is a lot of them, but she does it all the time now and it still cracks me up everytime! I should have just done a whole post of her pulling that face!Pudding smile!Darren watches WAY too much Food Network, and every once in awhile we get to benefit from that when he cooks. He made us this yummy dinner the other night and I had to laugh when he served it. He had it all "plated" nicely. Cooking isn't really my thing and I never do stuff like that. He is a great cook though, so I am SO lucky! The other night, he made dinner and asked me what his "secret ingredient" was like on Iron Chef America! Kind of nerdy, but so funny, and once again his dinner was So delicious!
Here is another sleeping picture....this time at the Aggie game! Logan was So tired! He laid down on Darren's leg and took Darren's hand and covered his ear and fell asleep. It was a REALLY loud game, so I have NO idea how he managed to sleep, but he did!
And here is the little cheerleader! She wasn't phased by the noise at all and just cheered louder for the Aggies! She loves going to the games and is so funny doing all the cheers!

Here are some random photos I took of the kids one day when we were just hanging out. I am still figuring out my camera, so some came out blurry because I was trying different things with the flash.
Rylee with her Mr Potato Head smile. She thinks she is hilarious when she does this! Trying to fit the binky and the smile... She will do anything to keep her binky in!
My binky girl - I couldn't get her to take it out! What a sad day when we have to take that away.... I am dreading it!!!
My cute Logan boy - I don't know what is going on with his eye. It looks a little wierd, but I thought he looked cute anyway!On this day, Logan and Rylee were having a football game. Logan sang the national anthem, then they had kickoff and started playing. They were tackling each other and being so funny! Then Logan decided they needed "helmets" and got out these HUGE foam hats we brought them from Texas! I had to start filming and get pictures! I was cracking up!Rylee tackling Logan. She is not afraid to play at all! You might think the bigger brother would dominate, but he is very careful with her and she is a crazy woman! She gets pretty into it and takes him down all the time!This picture is my favorite - Rylee is the tackler again! She is loving it!
Logan tackling Rylee - She thinks it is pretty funny!Trying to tackle each other. I love that they can play together so well now!Here they are with their funny helmets! Logan would pull his all the way down over his face so he couldn't see and run full speed at Rylee. It is a good thing she is tough little girl! They were a crack-up!


Nick and Stacey said...

What cute pictures! Your kids are too darn cute, looks like you guys have a great time...even with doing nothing sometimes!

Clark Family said...

Hey, thanks for giving me something to do at work. I love these long posts!!:) And so many fun pictures!! Your kiddies make me so excited for our little one to come along.

Karmann said...

what cute pictures!! I love the one of you two and your girls night together!! So fun!!! I wish I could have seen you too!!! We will get to Utah sometime I promise!!! Love yoU!!!