Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Potty Party!

This first paragraph is mostly for Logan's book, so no one will probably care to read about all of his potty progress, except for maybe his grandma, so the rest can skip to the next paragraph if you want.... I have been meaning to post this for a really long time.... We have been trying potty training off and on for a REALLY LONG time and it never seemed to really click with Logan, but this time was great! We started on Feb 2 and the first day was perfect, except that Logan never actually told me he had to go and I had to take him every time. Whenever he had a perfect day, he got to choose a prize from a box of treasures (some Cars and some little dollar items...) He really liked choosing prizes when he had a good day. I think he only had one more accident on day 2 or 3 and by day 3, he started to go on his own. He had one more accident on day 4, (poop right before the Aggies game...boy was Dad bugged!) and then has been almost accident free for almost 2 months! (He had one accident when we were in Vegas playing hide and seek because he didn't want to leave his hiding spot, and a couple accidents a couple weekends ago because he was playing with his cousins and didn't want to stop. Sorry Madi!!!! We are still working on that....) I make him wear a pull-up at night because I am somewhat paranoid and too lazy to change the sheets all the time, but I think he has only had a wet pull-up once or twice, so we probably could do without them. I have been amazed how well he has done with everything and LOVE that he goes potty all by himself without me telling him. We are still working on remembering to wash hands and put pants back on before we come back out of the bathroom, but he is doing better and better!

So...the whole last year I have been trying to bribe Logan with different things to be potty trained and find his motivation. For a long time, I told him that when he was potty trained, he could have a pet fish, but my mom went and got him one for Christmas, so that plan was ruined. (Of course, my mom reminded me that we HAD been using that bribe for about a year and nothing happened, so it must not have been that enticing!) Anyway...Logan LOVES holidays and parties and is always asking when his birthday is or when the next holiday is, so I told him when he got potty trained that I would have a special "Potty Party" for him and he could pick out his very own underwear at the store.
Here is what he chose....Transformers! (Thanks Uncle Matt and Uncle Dean!) I was trying to encourage Diego or something Disney, but he was insistent on these! He has never even seen Transformers, but for some reason he thinks they are cool. He told me, "You liked them when you were a little boy" and I had to explain that I was never a little BOY and that I didn't ever like them, but daddy and some of his uncles did. He thought it was funny that these were BUMblebee ones and he went on his BUM! Silly boy!

So, after about 2 weeks of being potty trained and once I could tell that we were really not going back, I had a little potty party for Logan. He mostly just wanted some family there and cake, so I had my family come up on a Sunday afternoon (Feb 15) for dinner and our little celebration. Logan was SO excited!!! It was pretty low-key, but he thought it was so special. Here are the funny cakes I made!My plan was to make the underwear cake, and then Darren suggested a potty cake. My mom got pretty excited by that idea and added the yellow frosting (gross) and I found some tootsie rolls to complete it! I don't know if anyone ate that cake, but it was kind of funny!
Logan and his underwear cake! Doesn't he look so proud?
And the potty cake! Logan wanted to know if there would be presents at his party, and I told him no, but Grandma and Aunt Heather and Uncle Jay came through for him! Grandma got him a dinosaur shirt and Heather and Jay got him these adorable Spiderman boxer briefs! They are so cute on him and he LOVES them! This is Logan giving hugs for his gifts.Rylee got a hold of the camera and took this herself! Can't leave her out...
Ry and Daddy playing with the camera some more!
Logan and DaddyMe and my potty trained guy! Way to go Logan! We are so proud of you and Love you!!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Love the pictures!! When's Rylee's potty party?? She's pretty close isn't she?