Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Mothering Instinct

I love my little Rylee and what a sweet little "Mommy" she is to all her babies! I know I have posted about her mothering abilities before, but since she got all her new baby gear for Christmas, she is even more into being a little mommy! She now has a bed for her babies, a swing and highchair, 2 strollers, some diaper bags and baby accessories, like bottles, blankies, burp rags, diapers, baby food, toys and lots more! She is constantly toting her babies around with one of her diaper bags slung over her shoulder and spends lots of time feeding them, changing their diapers, (she told Darren that she needed to change his diaper yesterday because he was "stinky") putting them down for naps ("Shhhh! Baby sleeping!") taking them for walks or to the store "to buy food", wrapping them in blankets, burping them .... it goes on and on! She talks to her babies so cute and says the funniest things to them - like "Ohhhh...sweet baby!" as she pats its head, or "Ew...Baby is stinky! Gross!" I LOVE it! It is hilarious to me that no one has ever really showed her how to do these things, besides me doing it to her, and she still knows exactly what to do! Rylee and her baby "Rella" (Cinderella)
Feeding her baby a bottle just like a pro! I thought this was the cutest thing ever!Now some juice!Here is dinner one night where Rylee insisted that "Rella" have dinner with us and made us set up her high chair next to her chair. She fed her little things throughout our dinner. It was so funny!I have no idea why but Rylee decided she needed her napkin on her head.


Clark Family said...

I bet Rylee will be a great help to her little Clark cousin!:)

Annie said...

so Rylee and Shelby really need to play together because they could go on for days with this game it sounds like.

Karmann said...

That is so adorable! I love how she is such a good mommy to her baby! It just shows what a good mommy is to her! You are such a great mom Brooke!!! I am going to be just like you someday! Thanks for your sweet words, it means a lot! Thanks for your love and support! Love you tons!