Friday, March 27, 2009

A Quick Trip

In February, we made a really quick trip to Vegas! (February 19-22) Our good friends, the White family, had some really good tickets to the UNLV-BYU game and had invited Darren along to go. We weren't sure if it was going to work out, but it did and we ended up making the quick weekend trip! The day before we left, we were at the Dr with the kids, who were just getting over croup and also had ear infections (Rylee had a double one and Logan's was really bad! I am terrible about taking my kids to the Dr and felt like mom of the year when I took them and found out how sick they were and had been...) Anyway, the Dr said that they should be fine to travel, and so we set off the next afternoon for Vegas. The drive down was GREAT! I put Logan in a pull-up because I was worried he would fall asleep and he would have an accident, or we wouldn't be able to stop in time, and he would have to ride to Vegas in a wet carseat. We made it all the way from Logan to Cedar City and stopped for dinner. I was SURE that Logan had decided to just go in his Pull-Up since we hadn't stopped at all, but he was totally dry and then made it all the way to Vegas! I was so proud of him!!! He did the same thing on the way home - It is great to have a good traveler!

We got in late Thursday night and it was so fun to see the White's! The kids were SO excited we didn't get them to bed until almost midnight our time. They are so nice to let us crash their house and we always have fun there! Friday, Darren spent the day golfing with Sandy while I hung out at the house with Jen. The kids had a great time in the back yard, enjoying the warm weather and I was also able to see my good friend, Pat, so that was fun. Rylee did take a spill on the concrete and still has a little bit of a scar on her chin to prove it! She told everyone for the longest time about her owie! The boys finished about lunchtime so we all went to one of our favorite places to eat for lunch - The Claimjumper...Mmmm.!!!! Afterwards, we let the kids play at the playground at Town Square. They love that place!!! It is one of the cutest playgrounds I have ever been to!
Rylee slept for the first while and Darren had the camera. He always makes fun of how many pictures I take, but I think he took just as many! Maybe he is learning from me...
Logan peeking through the rope bridge at the fort!

Logan's very favorite thing was this little maze! He loved running around and hiding in there and playing hide and seek with dad!
When Rylee woke up, she liked the maze, too!
Rylee loves "hanging" from anything! She is ready to go down the slide, but liked to hang on the bar above better. Rylee riding the fishie!Logan riding the unicornThe kids and daddy!Cute boy!!! He had so much fun and was exhausted afterwards!!!
CLOSEUP!!!Binky Baby!
These are most of the pictures I have from our trip... We didn't do too much else! We just hung out at the White's on Friday night and most of Saturday. Jen and I did hit the outlet mall on Saturday! It was FABULOUS!!! Man, I miss that place! I should have taken a picture of us with all of our bags - We did some serious shopping! We had planned to go to the Shark Reef, too, but ran out of time! Maddie and Hannah watched the kids Saturday night so we the adults could all go to PF Chang's (another favorite)! It was DELICIOUS!!! Then the boys headed to the BYU game and Jen and I went back to take care of the kiddies!The White's and Us at PF Changs
We went to church on Sunday at our old ward, and loved seeing some old friends, and then headed for home! We did grab an In-N-Out burger on our way out of town, too! It was a quick trip and although we didn't get to do all we planned or see everyone we hoped to, we did enjoy some of our favorite things about Vegas - Old friends, Great Weather, Fabulous shopping and delicious food!!! We hope to have a little more time next trip to do some fun things and see a few other friends. Here are a few last random photos of our trip....
Logan and Natalie had a great time with this funny puppet. He had a name, but I can't remember what it was. They thought he was great!Logan had a great time with one of his very best friends, Natalie! He had so much fun with her, we hardly saw him the whole time we were there. They are great friends and he really misses her! Aren't they too cute?Logan is OBSESSED with the Wii and wants to play it at everyone's house we go to! He was going crazy to play it the whole time we were there, and finally on Saturday night, he and Spencer got to play for awhile. Logan was in HEAVEN!!!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I love the maze pictures and Logan's pj's!