Monday, March 9, 2009

Movie Night

For some reason, these pictures got deleted from my last post when I was finishing it, and since I was done editing, I didn't want to go back and add them, so here is just a little more! At the end of January, we had a family movie night! We do these every once in awhile, but we tried to make this one really fun for the kids! We all got in PJs and got out pillows and blankets and made popcorn with a special surprise (m&ms). The kids thought it was great! I think we are going to try and start doing it every month. We watched the Sword in the Stone and had a great time!
I thought the kids looked so cute in their PJs with their blankies and stuffed animals! I love this one of them being silly together - they are the best of friends...most of the time!Big cheeses!Enjoying their popcorn snack!Some MORE silly faces!!! These seems to show up every time I take pictures!