Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bend it Like Logan

Logan started his first season of soccer a couple of weeks ago. He is playing in a co-ed indoor league for 3 and 4 year olds through the city recreation department. It may be one of the most entertaining things I have ever seen! His games are hilarious! Most of the kids are really not that interested in what is going on, including Logan. Logan LOVES playing soccer at home (and any other sport) so I thought he would be all about this soccer thing, but I think he may be a little young. Most of the other kids are the team are a little older, although most of them don't seem to know what is going on most of the time either.
I think that Logan was most excited that Darren is his coach! He LOVES that his dad is out there with him, and it is probably good that he is the one out there with Logan because Logan doesn't seem to stay focused for too long... He spends a good portion of the game doing other things... He starts out doing pretty well, but after he doesn't get a chance to kick the ball, he starts to do other things. Like stand on his head, or make repeated trips to the drinking fountain. He actually told a lady waiting for a drink "5 more minutes OK?" during his game. His first game he spent most of his time on the ground pouting and he has also laid on the ground and pretended he was a caterpillar. He also likes to switch to football sometimes. He does his whole, "Down, Set, Hike" and then runs after some other poor player and attempts to tackle them! He gets a little crazy! He also likes to sit on the bench and watch. Basically, anything but play soccer. He is getting better and better though, and each time he gets more and more little kicks in. When he does get to kick, he gets so excited and cheers like he has scored a goal or just made the best play ever - it is so cute!
I think that part of the problem with Logan is that we are always telling him to take turns and share. Then all of a sudden, we send him out there and expect him to take the ball from everyone and push and shove his way in there. And, since they the kids just follow after the ball, there are usually only one or two kids who ever get a chance to kick the ball anyway and everyone else chases them. Logan is not the only one who spends time crying on the sideline because he doesn't get a turn - Several of Darren's team end up there.
My sister has a really nice camera and took lots of pictures of his first game. The gym is pretty dark, so none of my pictures turned out too great, and even hers are a little dark and some are fuzzy, but some of them were just too funny and I had to post them!
Logan all ready for his very first game - Isn't he cute in his uniform and his shinguards. His team is the Cosmos and goes around the house singing, "GOOO Mighty Cosmos!"Logan warming up before his first game. He loves to get to the game early so he can "warm up" lots. Then he can kick the ball as much as he wants without anyone stealing it and score lots of goals!Logan's team ready for kick off

Pep talk from Coach Daddy - They look so cute togetherLogan wondering around while the game is going on....Isn't that the cutest face?

This isn't the greatest picture, but it makes me laugh! There goes everyone chasing the ball, and then there is Logan in his own world!

Logan trying out some handstands during the game

These next few are my favorite - This is the very first game and after awhile, Logan just gave up and went and sat on the floor! His pouty face is so funny, but also a little sad! After the first game, I wasn't sure he would go back, but he still loves it and gets so excited for each game. It doesn't look like it in these pics though...

Rylee is Logan's biggest fan! I just keep the treats coming, and she just sits and long as I don't run out! She also LOVES to clap and cheer for Logan.A rare action shot of Logan chasing after the ball.
This is Logan's other favorite part of the game - the cheer! He loves it and can't miss it! The cheer is also followed by treats which is the highlight of the game for all the kids. One week, someone forgot them and it was so sad! We are having so much fun watching Logan - only a few games left!


Jenn said...

That is so funny! I was laughing so hard about the catapiller then the picture of the head stand. He looks so cute, I can't wait till Drew can play

Clark Family said...

I love the pouty one of Logan sitting on the floor with his head down! It's so cute, although it makes me sad for him!! I have a soccer game tuesday night that Darren should play in!! It's a pretty late game though.

Jami said...

That is too cute! Let me know how it goes. I need to find something for Jace. he would love that. I love his pictures!

Jennie said...

He's so grown up! I love the spikey hair too! Soccer is the best! I can't wait for Bay to play next year :)