Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just the Usual...

Most of my posts are devoted to our family activities and other fun outings. However, most of the time, we are just doing the usual, so here are some pictures from our everyday life from July and August. I am going to start doing this monthly. It is the little things that make up most of our lives, so I am trying to remember all of those memories too, especially while my kids are so small. I love all the funny things they do - They can always make me laugh! Here is Darren hard at work at his office. We are so blessed that things have worked out so well for him. He loves his work and is lucky to have found something to do that he loves so much. He has a great schedule now and we love having the chance to spend so much time with him!
Logan is SO funny with his cars! He has to have them ALL and then they all get lined up OVER and OVER again! Lately, he has been lining up everything! Any time I go into his room, he has some toys or his balls all lined up in the center. I'm not sure what this means, but I think it is kind of funny!
My little messy eater! This is Rylee after an encounter with refried beans - Gross! She has insisted on eating herself since she was quite small, so I gave up the fight long ago. She usually does OK, but occasionally, we get one of these messes! We have to strip her down before every meal because I was tired of her ruining clothes, and she is much easier to hose off!
Ready for Movie Night!!! Tuesday nights are Darren's Bishopric meetings, so me and the kids have Movie Night and they love it! It has become a fun little tradition at our house. We get in our PJs and get our blankets and pillows and make popcorn or another treat. I have been making Logan choose some new ones so that we don't watch Toy Story and Cars every week. He has loved it - Some of his favorites are Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood. It is a fun way for me to spend time with the kiddies while Darren is at meetings!
Here is my Miss Independent on the playground. She does everything HERSELF! I think this is mostly funny to me since Logan still has days when he is afraid of the slide. They are VERY different kids! Rylee has no fear and has learned so early to make her way to the slide on any playground.
Here she goes...
Here is Logan "Building Disneyworld". He got out his map and then started using his blocks to build the different rides. I think they were Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain and his Golf bag was Splash Mountain. He is so funny and I love watching him use his imagination!

Logan and Rylee are getting better and better and playing with each other and it is so fun to watch! The other day they were playing pirates together. Rylee even says "irate" and "Arrrgh" when she has her pirate hat on and likes to use the telescope just like Brother.

Logan eating a burger at my Roommate Reunion in Provo. The kids were supposed to have hot dogs, but Logan went and helped himself to this HUGE burger and I think it finished most of it - He loves hamburgers!Rylee eating Noodles out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa Boman. She LOVED these noodles at Rumbi Grill and I think she ate more than the rest of us. She had noodles coming out of her mouth all over and just kept shoving more in.Rylee modeling Mr Potato Head glasses. I think I have a similar picture of Logan - I think we will have to post it for a comparison! Rylee is VERY into accessories and loves her glasses, keys, jewlery and especially purses!Rylee sleeping in some random positions. She has been falling asleep in such funny places sometimes. I always think it is funny! I especially like the arms with her arms crossed....she is not dead! Just sleeping!Just a little bragging on my domestic abilities.... We bought some fresh raspberries in Bear Lake and made some freezer jam. I thought that it would be a big project like I remember when my mom canned, but freezer jam is so easy - I should have tried it sooner! I am excited for a taste of homemade raspberry jam!Rylee and her baby Belle. She loves to pose and when she knows she is being cute, she will say "Cheese" and wait for me to get the camera! Silly Girl!!! My mom got Rylee a bunch of different headbands the other day and she wanted to put them all on at once! Then she grabbed the toy camera and pretended to shoot pictures of me and Darren. She kept telling us to say "Cheese" and would snap her fingers for our attention. Do you think her mom takes too many pictures?


Melissa said...

Very cute! I'm impressed with your canning abilities! I love homemade jam. One of these days I'll get a little more domestic and take up canning!

Clark Family said...

I love all of these! My favorite is the picture of Logan building Disney World!!