Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Road Trip!

We are pretty big Aggie fans at our house - So big that just having season football tickets and attending all the home games was not enough for us! Over Labor Day, we hit the road to see the Aggies play in Las Vegas-I guess that qualifies us as Roadies! We have been looking for an excuse to go back to Vegas for awhile and this seemed like a perfect time. Darren could see the Aggies play, I could visit the outlet mall, and we could spend some time with friends.
We left on Thursday afternoon after Darren finished work. We have made the drive to and from Vegas MANY times, but never all the way from Cache Valley. That extra 2 hours was really rough and the drive felt SO long! The kids did great though, except for a couple small meltdowns. We only made one real stop in Cedar for dinner and made it to Vegas around 8. Thank heavens for binkies and DVD players!!!
Ry was having a great time with her sunglasses and putting them on herself! I thought they looked so funny crooked on her face! I also thought it was pretty funny when she kept putting them up on top of her head - just like mom!

We stayed with our friends, the Whites. We have really missed them since we left Vegas. Logan was especially attached to them and was so happy to be back there to visit - He was SO excited when we arrived! They were such great hosts and had a house full with some family visiting, too. We had such a great time with them and are very excited for their visit to Utah in October! Thanks again guys!
Logan and Natalie watching Toy Story in their fort. They have so much fun together!

We spent a good amount of our time Friday at the outlet mall - or at least I did. Darren spent some time visiting the dental school and swimming while I shopped away. I miss the outlets!!! I love finding such amazing deals and so many great stores in one place! Jen was a great sport to shop along with me! We also went to lunch with Jen and Sandy at our of our favorite places - Bahama Breeze! Those coconut onion rings are the best! We also spent a good amount of our time playing Wii - I only tried one game of golf, but I totally dominated and see the potential for addiction there! I told Darren if we had one, he would probably come home to a messy house and me on the Wii everyday!

Saturday was a day of football! There were lots of games that Darren and Sandy wanted to watch. We were able to swim for a little bit before the games got started. Swimming is another thing we miss about Vegas. The Whites have a great pool and our kids had so much fun! Logan loved swimming with all of their kids and was loving jumping in! He has even perfected his Cannonball and was doing them so cute! Rylee loved their pool because it had a huge shallow section for her to play in and she could walk or sit and splash. She loves being able to play on her own.
The boys jumping in together!
Cute Rylee!
Logan's cute Cannonball!
Natalie-Isn't she adorable?
Rylee getting some sun after swimming

The Aggies game was Saturday night. Sandy and his Dad came along with us. I think that we were hoping that all the polls were wrong and that the Aggies wouldn't REALLY be the worst team in the nation and could maybe even pull an upset, but we were sorely disappointed! They are just as bad as everyone says... It could be a long season! The kids still enjoyed cheering on their Aggies. Before we left I got Rylee some cute little Aggie bows and she was adorable! She was cheering "Aggies! Aggies!" and it was SOOO cute! She was clapping and raising her arms yelling and really got into it - at least for the first half. It was so funny to watch! Logan also was very into it, but a little confused. We used to go to that stadium and cheer for the Rebels, so he kept doing the Rebel chant and we had to remind him that we don't cheer for them anymore - at least not when they play for the Aggies! We had a good time, despite getting annihilated by UNLV!

Rylee cheering on the Aggies!
Rylee's cute Aggie Bows - She got lots of compliments-even from the crazy UNLV fans!
Logan's whistle! So funny!
Rylee's reaction to ANOTHER bad Aggie play. Hilarious!
My Aggie fans
The boys - Logan, Darren and Sandy Rylee decided that she wanted to read her book and laid across the steps to do it. She was kicking her legs and really loving her Princess bookTrue Blue Aggie fans!

Sunday, we visited our old ward. It was fun to see so many familiar faces and catch up with so many friends there. Logan was VERY disappointed that his old nursery leader was out of town, but he still liked going to the nursery and seeing old friends. I was also able to go and visit my good friend Valerie and had such a fun time chatting with her. We spent most of the day just hanging out at the White's and playing a little more Wii! We wished we would have time to visit more friends, but it was a little crazy and we had so much fun with the White's.
Natalie and Rylee driving pretend cars
Me and JenHannah, Rylee and Maddie - Rylee loved playing with these girls. They are so cute with her and make great babysitters
Aren't these two the cutest? Natalie is on our list of potential wives for Logan.... She is a little old for him though.

Monday morning we got up and packed up and got away around 10 Vegas time. On our way out of town, we stopped to visit our old neighbor Phyllis. Our kids LOVED her and her sweet dog Angel. She was so excited to see us - especially Logan and Rylee.The kids were so great on the drive home - I think they were both exhausted from our fun weekend. We stopped for lunch, and also stopped to visit both Darren's and my parent's on the way home. The kids always love visiting Grandma and Grandpa's house! By the time we got home to Cache Valley, it was 11! It was a LONG day but we had a great trip. If only the Aggies could have gotten a win!


Clark Family said...

I love the aggie gear! Very cute!

The Ollies said...

I can't believe we haven't seen you since your trip--what a crazy month! It looks like you had lots of fun. I love the aggie bows. I might have to invest in some of those for Sky. :) Talk to you soon!