Friday, September 26, 2008

Random Reunions...

This is my attempt to catch up a few things from this somehow that I never got around to posting! Now that we are back in Utah, we are enjoying being able to see some old friends that we haven't had a chance to see over the last 4 years. Over the summer, I was able to see lots of friends from high school and college.

In June, I got together with 2 of my very best friends from high school, Emily and Melissa. It had been a REALLY long time since all 3 of us have gotten together and it was so fun to chat and catch up! Melissa's little boy, Ryker, is just 3 days older than Logan, and Emily's little girl, Kendall, is just a couple months younger than Rylee, so it was fun to watch our kids play. We went to lunch and it was a bit of a fiasco with all the kids, but so much fun. For some reason, I didn't take any pictures, which is very rare for me, but it was a lot of fun - We need to do it again soon girls!!!

In July, I met up with 2 of my very oldest friends, Marci and Allison, who I affectionately refer to as "The Twinners"! We have been friends since our Kindergarten days in Mrs Bubock's class. I distinctly remember one of them crying in the coatroom in Kindergarten about getting their tonsils out. I have no idea how I remember this... We played basketball together all the way to High School and then they decided to go to Layton High - Traitors!!! - but I forgave them and love them anyway! I hadn't seen them since my wedding, but I got in touch with Marci on Facebook and she was in town for a visit so we arranged a lunch and we had a great time! They can make me laugh so hard! I love those girls! We have some great memories together. I think our lunch could have gone all day, but Allison had to get to work. I did remember to take a picture this time, although it is not a very flattering one!
Also in July, one of my old roomies Summer had a little backyard BBQ for her birthday! It was great fun and I got to see a few old USU friends - Summer was my roomie in college, and another roommate Becca was also there, along with a good friend Katie from the Pine View days. I love to listen to both Katie and Becca - They are hilarious! It was so fun to relive the old Pine View days and Summer and Dave treated us to some delicious food - Summer even made herself a yummy birthday cake to share! I LOVE these girls!

Then in August, I had a little reunion with some of the girls from the days of "The Yellow House"! That was the year that I lived with 8 girls - there was a lot of drama, but even more fun! I was so happy to catch up with them since it had been so long since I had seen most of them! Amy was not able to join us, but was in Logan that same morning for a wedding. I watched her sweet baby Charlotte while she was in the temple. She is such a cutie! She is so tiny and sweet - I loved hanging out with her for a bit. Here are me and Amy and little Charlotte at the temple!
The rest of us (Angie, Melanie, Trine, Katie and I) met at Angie's house in Provo for a BBQ and lots of catching up and laughing! These girls are so fun and quite the combination and we have a great time together. Angie and her husband treated us to delicious food and the kids loved the pool in the backyard. I think we could have chatted and reminisced all day! It was fun to meet some of the spouses and babies and all of that. We really missed Brooke and Amy though - Maybe next time! I am so happy to be back in contact with all these girls - Yeah for Facebook and blogs! A few weeks ago, I got together with Summer again and another old roommate Camille. We took our kids along the River walk trail here in Logan. The kids had a great time! It was a good work out for me, since I rarely exercise these days and we were able to do lots of chatting while pushing the strollers. At the end of the trail, we let the kids throw rocks in the river and they loved that! Logan was especially into it and I had to keep a close eye on him that he did not just jump in! After our walk, we had a little picnic in Summer's backyard. It was such a fun day!
Logan loved throwing rocks
Rylee finally got in on the rock throwing too.
Isn't he a cutie?
Camille and her little boy Tanner
Sky and Summer's legs...
Isn't this a pretty place?

It is fun to have a few close friends here in Cache Valley. We also love to see our good friends the Lifferth's who also live close by! It has been so fun to see and catch up with so many friends that we have missed the last 4 years. We still have a few more that we are trying to catch up with, but we are so happy to be back home!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

Looks like lots of fun!! And that you're staying busy with lots of friends!