Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Closest We Might Ever Get... owning a dog! Now don't get me wrong - I am definately more of a dog fan than a cat fan. However, I don't know that I am enough of a dog fan to actually OWN a dog and have to take care of it. The last thing I need right now is cleaning up messes and poop from someone else or attempting to do more potty training! I have a hard time with some dog issues like shedding, being licked and the smell of dogs when they are dirty. Darren and I also strongly disagree with what type of dogs would be acceptable. Darren really wants a boxer since that is what he grew up with, but I am not a fan of big dogs, at least not in my house! I like little dogs and something that won't shed, since I am somewhat allergic. My poor children will probably suffer as I will probably be a mean mom who says no to dogs!
So I was VERY excited with my sister Heather's recent purchase - a puppy! My sister is obsessed with puppies and spends a good amount of time looking for the perfect dog, always insisting that she is "just" looking. She found this cute little puppy and brought it home for a "trial" period and we all knew that she would NEVER be able to give it back! The reason I am so happy about this is that now my kids can play with a dog, and I don't have to buy one! Logan and Rylee both LOVE little Lola! (and sister does have a flower in her hair! This is one spoiled puppy!) Here are some shots of them meeting Lola a couple weeks ago. Rylee was not too sure at first...

Logan loves Lola!

Logan thinks that he must use a funny little voice to talk to Lola like a baby! It is quite humerous! Rylee is now also very into her stuffed puppy at home and drags it all around the house calling it Lola. We even sing the Cococabana (sp?) song. I will sing "Her name is Lola" and Rylee will chime in with "GoGirl" (Showgirl). It makes me laugh! Thanks Heather for buying a puppy!

1 comment:

Clark Family said...

I'm glad I saw this!! I was just going to do a scrapbook page for Lola, and I would love these pictures for it!! Are they on your winkflash?? Will you share them with me?! And I'm glad that your kids like her! And yes, she's spoiled.