Friday, May 2, 2008

Family Fun!!!

This week is Darren's first official week out of dental school and we are having so much fun! Last week, he took an elective class and got lots of experience doing root canals - Exciting huh? Even though he was technically done with school, he still spent as much (if not more) time at school that week, so this is the first week that we have felt like school is really over. We decided that it feels like we are on vacation! We have been doing lots of fun things - It is like being tourists in our own town (although I don't REALLY claim Vegas....)
Saturday, we went down to the Bellagio to check out their Butterfly display in the atrium and to see the water fountain show. Logan LOVES going down there and we had a great time with our friends, Lacey and Lance and their 2 cute little girls, Elliot and Rya. The Bellagio is our favorite hotel to visit because their floral displays are always so amazing and the fountain show is great for the kids! Of course, while we were down on the Strip, Logan piped up in the backseat and said, "Dad, Is that a naked lady?" We are definately getting out of this town before it is too late!!!
Monday, we went down to the Secret Garden at the Mirage with our friends Jon and Annie Scott and their little girl Shelby. Darren went a few weeks ago and Logan hasn't stopped talking about it since. It was really fun - They have dolphins and white tigers, lions, and some other animals. We had a good time - The kids LOVED the dolphins! Rylee kept trying to climb in with them - She is so fearless!
Tuesday we went to the Children's Museum. Logan got a free pass last summer from the Library's summer reading program, but we had never used it and it was about to expire, so we tried it out. It was really fun - Much better than I expected. Logan had so much fun trying out all the exhibits and they even had some fun things for Rylee too! Darren also really enjoyed some of the experiments - They had this big table with water flowing and you could place these little boards to change the currents and flow of the river - Darren had a great time on that one! They also had a cute little store the kids loved and a little mining thing they thought was so fun.

Wednesday we went to Hoover Dam. I had never been there and Darren hadn't since he was really little so it was kind of cool to go out there. There was more to see than I expected and we had a good time! It is pretty fascinating! They are also building this really cool new bridge there to bypass the dam and it is awesome! Darren and I also watched the movie "Juno" that night - We Loved it! It is so funny!

Thursday we took the kids swimming - THis is something that we will definitely miss about living here! The fabulous weather and use of a pool!!!
Today we had to go and get my glasses, which took ALL DAY and was such a pain! Can I just say that I HATE going to the eye doctor! I feel like the biggest idiot when I can't read the chart! I can't stand it! I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does! I would much rather go to the dentist than the eye doctor!!! And deciding on glasses is so bad for someone so indecisive - especially since I have had my last pair for 8 YEARS and know this is a major investment! I finally decided to listen to some random strangers opinion and made a choice. Tonight we went to an amphitheater here to see Rachel (and Hopkins) from Signing Time. My kids LOVE that show and they had lots of fun at the show and were even able to meet them and get a picture afterwards (We waited for about a half hour - Darren was a really good sport!) Logan REALLY wanted to meet them! Rachel kept referring to herself in the show as Rachel Coleman so now Logan will only call her by her full name. It is kind of funny, I think!

Anyway - We are enjoying our time off so much, I don't know if we can ever go back to the real world! We are headed to Disneyland and Sea World next week and I am SOOO excited!!! When else will you ever have six weeks of vacation, right? We are trying to make the best of it! Needless to say, I should be working on packing and cleaning and all of that, but it just doesn't sound that fun! Maybe when we get back, I will get started on that HUGE task...but for now I am just enjoying hanging out as a family! (My camera is doing CRAZY things right now! I have TONS of pics from this week...Hopefully I can post a few soon!)


Unknown said...

Hey Brooke How the heck are ya? You have such an adorable family!! This is Heather (Chard) Hodo. It's so nice to see you.

Jenn said...

CONGRATULATIONS DARREN!!! on being done with school what a great accomplishment. It sounds like you guys have been doing a lot of fun stuff, that is the best to spend your vacation before you have to move and start work. I really like the condo in cache valley we are excited for you guys, too bad we live in heber :(

Meier Family said...

This is Kelley "jones" Meier. I saw your blog on Jesse's and wanted to say hi! Congrats on Dental school and your little family is so cute! Take care.