Friday, May 16, 2008

The Pool!

So the daily post thing didn't work too well! I got home late last night because our ward had our first volleyball game! It was so fun - It felt awesome to play again...even if I was really rusty! The other team looked much more experienced than us. (They were wearing knee pads. Need I say more? ) We came away with the dramatic, come from behind victory though - Yeah Hacienda Heights! I am bummed that I only got to play once, but it was really fun. Then I HAD to watch the season finale of er --- If you are wondering, Abby and Luca are back together (Yeah!) and someone blew up in an ambulance...but we don't know who yet! I HATE when they do that! Then I HAD to watch The Office Season finale that Darren had taped for me. It was hilarious but not all that I hoped for, although the final scene was quite a shocker! I was so excited for Jim's proposal...I should have known they would drag that out a little longer! Anyway - By the time that was all over, I was too tired to blog! I will try and get 2 in today to make up for it!

Anyway - Yesterday we went to the pool for a little while. This is definitely one of the things that we will miss about Las Vegas! Our condos have 2 pools, and we love to be able to go to the pool whenever we want and swim...especially when the temperatures here reach the 100s on a regular basis! (Next week is supposed to be 102!) I am not that into swimming...I always think the water is too cold...but it is so nice to have the pool as an option! Logan is a fish - He LOVES the pool and has so much fun there! Rylee is more like me...She would prefer to just sit on the side and splash her toes and does not like cold water at all! She will swim for a little bit though! It has been great to go for a little dip whenever we are bored or need something to do with the kids, and they always sleep SO good afterwards! It will be much harder to do lots of swimming in Utah. Last summer they banned swim diapers from all the public pools there because people were getting sick, so that means that my kids can't swim in public pools. Luckily, Darren's parents put in a pool, but we won't be living too close to them, so I don't know how much we will get to swim there! And, swim weather in Utah is pretty limited! (It was still snowing up there a couple weeks ago...) So...I think we will be soaking up all of our swim time here while we still can! Logan - My little fishie! He loves the pool and will jump in and everything - He has no fear! He also swallows half the pool!

Rylee - My little sun baby! Isn't she so cute? She looks like such a little diva!

The boys drying off

Me and my baby girl soaking up the sun while we still can!

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