Saturday, May 17, 2008

No More Teachers, No More Books!

This may sound a little weird, but I think that another thing that we will miss when we move is school! We have been working to finish school for the past 5 1/2 years of our marriage, but now that it is over, I think there are some things about the simple student life that we will miss. We will NOT miss paying tuition and it will be nice to be earning a paycheck soon, but we will miss how much simpler life is at this stage. Darren will also not miss studying or tests and all of the requirements and stress and politics of being a student, but he will miss a lot of the people he has worked with. Darren has had a great group of friends at school and has also had a lot of great staff and faculty to work with. (There have been some not so great ones too, but overall, I think he has enjoyed his experience...) We have had to go into the school for a few things lately and Logan loves going in there! He thinks it is so fun and he calls anyone in a white coat "Dr Richards" who is Darren's mentor and insists on seeing him anytime we are there which is kind of funny! I think Darren is getting pretty anxious to get going at his practice, but I think he will also miss having people around just in case there is a problem, although I don't think he will miss having to have 10 people check off every little thing that he does and having 3 dentists all give him a different opinion on how to do the same thing. Another part of school we will really miss are the LONG breaks between semesters. We sometimes complain that he only gets a week or two, but that is much longer than you would normally get at a job, so we will definitely miss the time off, especially at Christmas where we would get 3 or 4 weeks! We are also not anxious to start receiving our bill for our student loans - I think that will come as a bit of a shocker! I know that the time in school has been hard at times, but we have actually really enjoyed our journey and will look back with a lot of good memories on UNLV and our experiences here.

Darren at his operatory - Doesn't he look cute?
Hard at Work!

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