Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sick Day

As a mom, you do not get too many sick days, but I am getting one today and actually am enjoying it, minus the throwing up! (I haven't thrown up for a really long time and I forgot how much I HATE it!) We were supposed to be at Darren's nephew's baptism today, but I woke up puking, so I stayed home and Darren took the kids to Centerville. When I was in college, I used to love an occasional sick day to veg on the couch, eat Ramen and watch the movie "Little Women" my favorite sick day choice, or occasionally "Little Rascals". Unfortunately, we don't have a TV hooked up yet, but it has been nice to have a quiet house for a little while. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE being a Mom and LOVE spending time with my kids, but wasn't it Chicago who said "everyone needs a little time away"? I can't remember the last time I took a nap for as long as I wanted or had unlimited access to the internet without interruption, thanks to someone else's wireless connection! I am quite enjoying this break despite the frequent trips to the bathroom! I better enjoy it while I can - They will be back in a few hours.

1 comment:

Karmann said...

I am sorry you are sick!! That sucks!! I wish I was there with you and we could just be hanging out together and I could get you whatever!