Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Results are In... FINALLY!!!

Drumroll please...... Darren has FINALLY received his results from the WREB, which is the Boards that he took last month, and he PASSED!!! We had to wait forever to recieve the official results! For some reason, all of Darren's class received their results about 2 or 3 weeks ago, except for those with last names of S - Z. (It was one of those times that it SUCKS to be the end of the alphabet.) We had to wait a week and then request a duplicate and wait for that to come in the mail. Luckily, the school had received Darren's scores and let him know that he passed, but it still felt much better to finally be holding the OFFICAL results! We are so proud of Darren and all of his hard work over the last 4 years! He has done such a great job with school and has put in a lot of work and hours without complaining! We are getting so close to moving on with our life - Graduation is this weekend and Darren sent off his application for his license today!!! We are also boxing up our house, which feels a little wierd, to get ready to move next week! It seems so wierd that all of this is coming to a close!
We also went to Disneyland and Sea World last week and had SO much fun! I took over 500 pictures and as soon as I figure out what is wrong with my camera, will add a little update with some of them!
Congratulations on Boards D! We LOVE you!

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