Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's Official....

The past 2 days have been Darren's Graduation from Dental School! We have had lots of family in town to help us celebrate and it has been really fun. It is a little wierd that school is now all over and Darren is officially a dentist and earned the title of Dr. Webber (which he is insisting we all call him... Just kidding!) Last night was a small ceremony with just the dental school. It was really nice because it was just Darren's classmates so it was small. When they walked across the stage, they were called Dr. for the first time, and they also told each person's awards and future plans, which was interesting to hear where everyone is headed. Darren received an award for excellence in Operative Dentistry, which was neat. After the ceremony we got some photos and refreshments and then we went to dinner at Bahama Breeze, which is one of our favorite places and another thing we LOVE about Vegas - they have the BEST coconut onion rings! I totally crave them!

Today was the University Ceremony at the Thomas and Mack at UNLV. I couldn't believe how many people were there - It was packed! Darren was hooded at that ceremony. It was pretty long, but the kids managed to make it through. Thank goodness they started reading the names really fast or we might still be there! The speakers were really good at both ceremonies and kept everything pretty short. I felt so proud of Darren as he walked across the stage! He has worked really hard and has done a great job with school. Besides being a great student, he has also been a wonderful husband and father and really balanced everything so well! He will always be our FAVORITE dentist! We LOVE YOU!! Congratulations Babe!

My sister took a ton of pictures of everything with her really nice camera, but I can't get them off her camera until we get back up to Utah, so these snap shots from my camera will have to do for now... Anyone who knows me well, knows that I will have lots more pictures, so I will probably post a slide show later, but these are some of the pictures from our big day! Thanks to our family for making the trip down to support us this weekend! They were a great help with the kids so I didn't miss anything during the ceremonies and helped me get pictures and everything. Our families have been a great support over the past 4 years and in all that we do and we are excited to be able to closer to them soon!

The only thing that I was sad about was that we didn't get a really good chance to see our friends and to say good-bye to them. It was a little crazy with all the crowds and family and everything. We will miss you all and wish you luck in your future plans and hope that you will stay in touch! Congratulations to all of the class of 2008!!!
2008 Grads!
Nate Bartschi, Darren, Brad Belt, Jon Scott and Devin Johson

Darren and some of his good buddies - Cody Johnson, Russ Bird, Jon Scott, Keith Packer, Joe Wilson, Darren, Nate Bartschi, Todd Baggley, and Eric Davis


Karmann said...

I cant believe that it is here!! I cant believe graduation has come and gone and now it is time to say goodbye to Vegas. I have appreciated our friendship so much and I am going to miss you so much. Thank you for being there for me and caring about me. I will miss seeing you all the time but feel ok with having this to keep in touch!!! Love you!!!

The Winns said...

Congrats on finishing up. We're glad you guys are moving closer.