Friday, May 16, 2008

Burgers and Bass!

Today we went and did 2 things that we love and will really miss about living here in Vegas. My family came into town around lunchtime today and so we all went to In-N-Out Burger. We LOVE that place! I don't know why it is so different than other burger places, but we think it is! Their burgers are so yummy and I also love their chocolate shakes. I used to think their fries were pretty gross, but I have since discovered that you can order them "animal style" and they come smothered in sauce with cheese and are much more yummy...maybe not so healthy though! The funny thing is that we never just go there unless someone is visiting and then we rarely miss a chance to treat out of towners to an In-N-Out! Logan LOVES In-N-Out! He can spot their sign from really far away and gets very excited. He can eat his burger faster than I can and downs the WHOLE thing! Pretty impressive for such a little guy. He has even been known to ask for a second! We might have to move him to the double-double soon. Rylee also really enjoys In-N-Out food! She likes the fries a lot and loves to steal bites from our burgers. Today, I forgot to bring something for her to eat, so we just ordered her her own burger for the first time and she ate about 3/4 of it! She is such a good little eater and LOVES to eat!!! She gets very excited about food and she looked so funny chowing down that HUGE burger! Utah does now have an In-N-Out Burger in St George....Maybe Cache Valley won't be too far behind...

Logan LOVES an In-N-Out Burger! He hardly stops to breathe!

Rylee LOVES her Burger too!

We also took my fam to the Bass Pro Shops - another place that we live to visit! The kids get so excited to go there and it is such a nice place to just stroll around and check things out and the best part is its Free!!! Logan loves to see all the animals (stuffed, of course) and especially likes the big sharks and both kids LOVE to see the fish! They especially love the huge tropical fish tank and their favorite is the sting ray feedings. A diver gets into the tank and feeds the sting rays and answers questions and stuff and the kids think that it is so cool - They love it! Rylee gets very excited about the fish and starts signing fish over and over and pointing and yelling. She will walk right up to the tank and doesn't get scared of those big fish at all. Logan is much more cautious but enjoys it a lot! I don't think that Cache Valley has anything quite this impressive, but we are excited for regular visits to the Willow Park Zoo, which is one of my favorite places to go in the summer. It maybe doesn't deserve the title "Zoo" but the kids always love it!

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