Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fabulous Friends!

In honor of having only one more week in Vegas, I have decided that I will post one thing that I will miss about living here each day we have left. (Yes...there are a FEW things that I will miss about this place!) I have never tried daily posting before, so we will see how this goes... One of the biggest things that I will miss in Vegas is the Fabulous Friends that we have made while living here. Without having family around, we have really relied on our friends a lot and have made some very special friendships here.
This is a picture of our group of friends from the dental school. It is from our last little get together we did in March. It is really funny to look back at this group and see how it has grown - When we first started out, there were only a couple of us with kids and now we have to go to the park to get together because there are so many kids running around! It has been so great to have so many friends in our same situation who understand what we are going through and who have done so much for us. Although we don't live very close to many of them, I know we could call them for anything! They have helped us in so many ways - moving our piano in, visits to the hospital and dinner when our babies were born, picking us up when our car broke down or when were in an accident, teaching me how to make bows and bracelets and having us over for dinner or to hang out and our little get togethers that we enjoy so much. We have had lots of fun getting to know them all! The good thing is that we are all leaving together - Every single one of us is on to new adventures, so no one is being left behind! I'm glad that we all now have blogs so that we can stay in touch! They have been such a big blessing to us here in Vegas!

We have a few other groups of friends that we will miss. I have been going to a book club since October and it has been a lot of fun for me. It has gotten me to read once in awhile, which I love to do, but never really take the time. I wish I would have taken a camera to our last meeting, but I forgot! Anyway - This once a month dinner and discussion has been so fun for me to get out and hang out with other girls and moms and have a little "adult talk" and venting! I will definitely miss that! I will also miss our play group and story time at the Library each week!
I also recently started doing a Meal Exchange group - It has been so much fun and time saving! We each prepare one meal for everyone in the group and then get together once a month and swap so we come away with 8 different freezer meals! It is great! I rarely have had to cook since then, so I will miss doing this because I will have to start coming up with dinners again once we move! I think I will have to start another one in Logan - I have LOVED it so much!
Darren also has loved playing basketball with the guys in the ward each Tuesday night. It has been good for him to have something to do besides school and studying!
Thanks to all our other Vegas friends! We will miss you all! The good news is that we are moving closer to all of our family and lots of friends that we have really missed the last 4 years, so we are really excited about to be near to all of them and be able to go to family events and other things that we have missed out on while we have been here! We have definitely missed being close to so many people we love!

1 comment:

Erica said...

We will miss you guys so much! You know that I am so jealous of you moving to Logan! I'm so glad that you have a blog so that we can keep in touch.