Friday, March 14, 2008

My Funny Valentines!!!

Ok - So I realize that Valentine's Day has come and gone over a month ago, but I have had some technical dificulties with my camera and no high speed internet access lately, I have fallen drastically behind on my blogging! We had a fun Valentine's! Logan LOVED making Valentine's to send to his cousins and grandparents, and on Valentine's Day, we had a little party with a couple of Logan's friends to frost sugar cookies. We went out to get Chinese food with the kids for Valentine's. That is our favorite treat! We had a fun day and Darren even got me a Cafe Rio gift card to use for myself! Wahoo! Rylee also looked especially cute I thought in her little Valentines dress with her heart bow! It is so fun to dress her all up - I think my mom bought this dress for her last Valentine's Day before she was even born, so we have been waiting a while to bust it out! Isn't she adorable? I LOVE all my cute little Valentine's and couldn't imagine life without the three of them! I feel so blessed to have 3 special people who love me so much!

1 comment:

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

What cute pictures. I am so glad you are back, I have missed seeing you in cyberspace.