Saturday, March 15, 2008

February Highlights!

Here are a few of our February activities - We had a busy month and did a lot around our house to get it ready to sell, but we did manage to do a few fun things! We had a really small Superbowl party - mostly just so I could make some fun treats! I was dying for 7 Layer Bean dip and needed an excuse to make it! I also took the kids to see the Globetrotters and they thought that was really fun! Afterwards, Logan would only use his red, white and blue ball to play basketball and tell me that he was a 'Trotter and did little slam dunks on his hoop! Rylee even liked it because she loves to cheer! We also made a trip to see the fish at the Bass Pro Shops, which the kids always love to do! Rylee walks right up to the tank and starts signing fish and gets so excited! The kids have also LOVED being able to start spending time outside and we have been going to the park and taking walks and all sorts of stuff (we will definately miss this about Vegas...) Logan also started a little art class that he really likes that teaches colors, shapes and numbers. He is having lots of fun with it!

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