Saturday, March 15, 2008

Little Messes Part 2

Ever since I posted my last post of the messes my children had made, they have seemed to multiply! I think Rylee is mostly in a bad stage to get into things! Here are a few more of the messes they have made for me lately.... Good thing they are so cute!
My Little Scrapbooker - I went to the bathroom the other day and returned a couple minutes later to find that Rylee had dumped a whole box of my scrapbooking supplies on the kitchen floor - What a mess! I guess at least she's starting young!!!
What a mess!
Logan LOVES to get into the fridge lately and the other morning, I was getting ready for church and he came to tell me he made me a special treat - Eggs! AHHH! I ran into the kitchen to find 2 eggs on the floor and later I discovered every egg in the carton was broken! Not such a great treat - I guess it is the thought that counts!!!!
Logan LOVES Chocolate! He found some the other day and ate it as fast as he could before he got caught - There were wrappers everywhere and chocolate all over his face!!!
Rylee is now eating lots more food - And making LOTS more messes! Since she now has teeth, we let her try the Biter Biscuits - They dry like Cement and are SO hard to get off! It makes me wonder what is in those things....
Logan LOVES to get into this game box and throw all the playing cards out! It makes a LOVELY mess as you can imagine....
I'm not sure how she managed this, but here is another of Ry's eating messes!
This is Rylee's favorite past time - Shopping in the cupboards and rearranging all the cans! She dropped one on her poor little toe the other day and it was SO sad!
Toilet Paper again! Rylee loves to unroll this all over the bathroom! She also loves to empty all the cupboards and drawers and has now discovered the toilet - YIKES!


Scott, Kara, Paul, Brad and Andee said...

They are so cute! I love all the messes they make! That is great that Darren is graduating soon, I bet that is a great feeling!

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