Saturday, March 15, 2008

On the MOVE!!!

Rylee has now been walking for about two months! I am chasing her constantly and she is into everything! It is hard to believe that she has been going for so long and walking so well already but she is really cruising! She has really mastered walking and is now starting to climb! She wants to climb on everything - She is quite the little monkey! Her new favorite is to climb up on Logan's toddler bed and jump on it and then climb down over the end and the footboard! She is so busy! Here are a few pictures of her learning to walk!

Rylee's very first steps walking to Daddy!
So proud of herself!
Walking in her cute dress in January...
Practicing with her walker!
Walking around with her phone - She LOVES to pretend she is talking!

Walking and exploring outside for the first time in Feb!

Chasing Bubbles and Brother!
Walking so good!

Exploring on her own at the park in March!

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