Friday, March 28, 2008

Rylee's 11 Month Pictures

I know that I have posted a lot of pictures of Rylee, but I can't help it - They are so darn cute! These are her latest - Her 11 month photos taken at Target and they turned out really good. I will be taking her again soon for her 1 year photos and then the monthly photos will be done! I have to say it is a little ridiculous, but I actually really enjoy doing it and have had fun! And they are so cute - who can resist? I think I might even miss going a lot! She loves the camera and has even started to say CHEESE! It is adorable! I think she smiled in almost every pose they took. They took so many different and cute ones, it was so hard to choose! They were really fun pictures for Easter.


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

They are too darn cute. I agree.

Doug and Dawn said...

These pictures are so cute. I was reading some of your older posts and loved reading your tag. I had to laugh about your comment on having too many embarrassing things happen to you in one lifetime. I also love Tuesday night TV thats the only night where Doug and I veg out and watch American Idol, The Office and we also love The biggest Loser. I keep forgetting that Daren is almost done how exciting. Are you guys staying in Vegas or are you going back to Utah?